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Captain McCully


Lunch time LJ want to sleep and you went to suck his cock. Not ungrateful.
You Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant tell lies again when I said clearly it’s after lunch and not lunch time and I never suck a single cock in my life. Pui!


And I changed them to good and better staff without dissing them. Never shouted at my staff or anyone in the company in the three plus years despite all the shit and difficulties. The only one that I shouted at is LJ McCully. He should be ashamed.
Why I can change staff to good and better without dissing them but LJ McCully cannot? He should learn from me the lowly finance manager indeed.


Why I can change staff to good and better without dissing them but LJ McCully cannot? He should learn from me the lowly finance manager indeed.
Btw my salary was one third of GM salary. LJ McCully should hire a CFO with salary close to GM/CEO before he expect a cfo. Or at least hire a financial controller or director. My salary was not even senior manager level but manager level only. What a cheap and ungrateful company that not only didn’t appreciate but bullied a good finance manager that had done so much for the company AND beyond her job scope using her personal time. Pui!




Btw my salary was one third of GM salary. LJ McCully should hire a CFO with salary close to GM/CEO before he expect a cfo. Or at least hire a financial controller or director. My salary was not even senior manager level but manager level only. What a cheap and ungrateful company that not only didn’t appreciate but bullied a good finance manager that had done so much for the company AND beyond her job scope using her personal time. Pui!
ownself praise ownself.... if u'r such a good manager.... LJ wouldn't had fired you... TPX..
even Mdm MSB oso can't tehan u... :geek:


ownself praise ownself.... if u'r such a good manager.... LJ wouldn't had fired you... TPX..
even Mdm MSB oso can't tehan u... :geek:
Don’t act innocent pretend don’t know a good manager is a dispensable manager because everything runs smoothly means the staff can do it. Only when shit hits the fan then a manager is indispensable proven by my ex boss that asked kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her. Pui!


Don’t act innocent pretend don’t know a good manager is a dispensable manager because everything runs smoothly means the staff can do it. Only when shit hits the fan then a manager is indispensable proven by my ex boss that asked kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her. Pui!
Oh ya that reminds me I am so good a finance manager that I documented every job every process every form into Finance Manual. Not just I cleared the shit, I prevent new shit from forming.


Oh ya that reminds me I am so good a finance manager that I documented every job every process every form into Finance Manual. Not just I cleared the shit, I prevent new shit from forming.
So I clear the shit that formed due to lack of process and procedures AND I created process and procedures AND I documented these process and procedures into the Finance manual. What more can you ask from a finance manager indeed?


是一个两个 还是很多很多

是一个两个 还是很多很多
Go ask your sell nude sell cb Cantonese mother that obviously didn’t bring you up well. You are another Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant awaiting burn in hell forever. Pui!


Out of the six staff, the Accounts supervisor and one accounts clerk are original staff, the rest are new staff hired by me. I changed them to all good staff, be it original staff or new staff. Of course the good accountant and clerks were all hired under previous hr manager and not kt latha.
And out of the four new staff hired by me, two are new positions and two are original staff that left including the pregnant accountant that went on maternity leave during year end closing and came back resigned immediately.


Oh ya that reminds me I am so good a finance manager that I documented every job every process every form into Finance Manual. Not just I cleared the shit, I prevent new shit from forming.

So I clear the shit that formed due to lack of process and procedures AND I created process and procedures AND I documented these process and procedures into the Finance manual. What more can you ask from a finance manager indeed?

Go ask your sell nude sell cb Cantonese mother that obviously didn’t bring you up well. You are another Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant awaiting burn in hell forever. Pui!

And out of the four new staff hired by me, two are new positions and two are original staff that left including the pregnant accountant that went on maternity leave during year end closing and came back resigned immediately.

Madam, you need to get them to register an account here and speak up for you and verify the truth of what you are saying. Otherwise, it's pointless repeating one sided views over and over again. :rolleyes:


And out of the four new staff hired by me, two are new positions and two are original staff that left including the pregnant accountant that went on maternity leave during year end closing and came back resigned immediately.
Out of the two new accounts clerk positions, one was created by sia senior manager when shit hits the fan. Another position was created by me. I prepared the board paper.


Madam, you need to get them to register an account here and speak up for you and verify the truth of what you are saying. Otherwise, it's pointless repeating one sided views over and over again. :rolleyes:
Tell that to youself repeating your one sided opinion of me a virgin as slut whore mistress over and over again without verification. I am merely stating facts of what I did for SFC, they didn’t sue me means that’s the truth remember that is what you said? No sue means truth. Of course you hypocrite criminal bully son of slut whore mistress ALWAYS say one thing when it is what Kt latha said but another when it is what I said. Since when the truth matters to act innocent evil devils like you? You are another one here awaiting burn in hell forever. Pui!


Tell that to youself repeating your one sided opinion of me a virgin as slut whore mistress over and over again without verification. I am merely stating facts of what I did for SFC, they didn’t sue me means that’s the truth remember that is what you said? No sue means truth. Of course you hypocrite criminal bully son of slut whore mistress ALWAYS say one thing when it is what Kt latha said but another when it is what I said. Since when the truth matters to act innocent evil devils like you? You are another one here awaiting burn in hell forever. Pui!
All the good things that I did for SFC indeed while I get nothing but evil filthy shit in return from LJ McCully and kt latha. The most ungrateful company on earth. Pui!


Out of the two new accounts clerk positions, one was created by sia senior manager when shit hits the fan. Another position was created by me. I prepared the board paper.
So I did the same job as senior manager sia but without senior manager pay okay?


Out of the two new accounts clerk positions, one was created by sia senior manager when shit hits the fan. Another position was created by me. I prepared the board paper.
Guess what’s the justification used? There was a huge backlog of supplier invoices to be processed at our Perth office and it’s CHEAPER to hire a clerk in Singapore instead of Australia.