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Captain McCully


TPX again... got another job.. but got fired again, tats y you're unemployed again..!! :geek:
You mark Andrew yeo are the TPX liar criminal bully whereas nothing I said of Kt latha and LJ McCully is a lie. And I am not unemployed, I am retired. Because of bad experience from kt latha and LJ McCully, I decided not to do clear shit jobs anymore - when all my job experience is clear shit jobs - and I tried hard core finance jobs and did not like it and so I retired. Pui! View attachment 159191


tis one u no TPX... kt latha is not only high power, she's oso humble n friendly... unlike tat slut of a gansiokbin... arrogant, boastful :geek:
You mark Andrew yeo are saying this of kt latha when you did not know her are obviously the one telling lies to attack people, not me. You are the slut TPX liar arrogant and boastful. Not me. Pui! Kt latha is empress dowager smiling snake that apologised to me and then bite me with false accusation of a virgin being a slut three years later and that’s a fact and such kind of people are impossible to be truly humble and friendly.


Don't talk as though you are indispensable.
There are other whores too.
Well obviously I was indispensable then when nothing was set up and one whole list of high risk audit issues AND three or four finance managers came and go if not my ex boss won’t ask kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her. After I set up everything and cleared all the high risk audit issues i become dispensable and that’s always the case with clear shit jobs. Understand you cheap whore dispensable cock sucker of Malaysian criminal syndicate network?


Bully your cheebye, go everywhere also victim.
You should be tied up and flogged till your cheebye bleed, I will show you what bully is like.
It’s also true of clear shit job nature that there are always shitty staff that bully the finance manager if not why always it’s the finance manager that leaves for such shitty clear shit jobs? The staff always remain because need staff to do work can blame the manager easily when shit hits the fan. If no shitty other department staff like kt latha or finance department staff, there won’t be a list of high risk audit issues isn’t it? Everyone will be following processes and procedures to do their job how to have one long list of high risk audit issues?


It’s also true of clear shit job nature that there are always shitty staff that bully the finance manager if not why always it’s the finance manager that leaves for such shitty clear shit jobs? The staff always remain because need staff to do work can blame the manager easily when shit hits the fan. If no shitty other department staff like kt latha or finance department staff, there won’t be a list of high risk audit issues isn’t it? Everyone will be following processes and procedures to do their job how to have one long list of high risk audit issues?



Well obviously I was indispensable then when nothing was set up and one whole list of high risk audit issues AND three or four finance managers came and go if not my ex boss won’t ask kt latha to apologize to me if not he will fire her. After I set up everything and cleared all the high risk audit issues i become dispensable and that’s always the case with clear shit jobs. Understand you cheap whore dispensable cock sucker of Malaysian criminal syndicate network?

So capable then go open your own company.
Are you a successful freelance chicken now? :sneaky:


And how did I know that three or four finance managers came and go? From the previous hr manager after I joined. I can’t recall the details but he told me of snippets of one of the previous finance manager having clashes with kt latha. And he always complained to me about kt latha bullying him too. He is retired veteran hr manager from sia and doing part time contract work at SFC. Kt latha supposed to understudy him but instead he did most of the work himself and he complained of shoddy work by kt latha.
And I never clashed with kt latha at work. I just avoided her attacks of me in department meeting and I never attacked her in anyway. She is the one that kept attacking me while acting nice and friendly to me in the initial years - after she was asked by my ex boss to apologize to me - and later when all shit is clear and everything set up and I am dispensable, she got herself into good books of my ex boss and LJ McCully again - she is still their secretary afterall - AND when my ex boss left and she see LJ McCully no support me, she don’t even bother to be friendly to me anymore.


And I never clashed with kt latha at work. I just avoided her attacks of me in department meeting and I never attacked her in anyway. She is the one that kept attacking me while acting nice and friendly to me in the initial years - after she was asked by my ex boss to apologize to me - and later when all shit is clear and everything set up and I am dispensable, she got herself into good books of my ex boss and LJ McCully again - she is still their secretary afterall - AND when my ex boss left and she see LJ McCully no support me, she don’t even bother to be friendly to me anymore.
Or rather I just bear her attacks of me as some attacks cannot be avoided. She is just like LJ McCully always trying to put me down.


Yes 9V-ADT Ranong 1997.
This was the first SQ accident.
What about this? You mean Learjet was involved in the first SQ accident? I only know I went with my friend to the ceremony set up at Kallang theater to mourn the victims for SQ crash. We were all so sad. I won’t feel a thing now if another sq crash happen.


And I never clashed with kt latha at work. I just avoided her attacks of me in department meeting and I never attacked her in anyway. She is the one that kept attacking me while acting nice and friendly to me in the initial years - after she was asked by my ex boss to apologize to me - and later when all shit is clear and everything set up and I am dispensable, she got herself into good books of my ex boss and LJ McCully again - she is still their secretary afterall - AND when my ex boss left and she see LJ McCully no support me, she don’t even bother to be friendly to me anymore.
Come to think of it, is it even proper division of duty for a secretary to be hr executive or hr manager in the first place? Secretary of GM is already powerful job what more secretary with hr power of salary increment etc ? Doesn’t sound right at all.


Come to think of it, is it even proper division of duty for a secretary to be hr executive or hr manager in the first place? Secretary of GM is already powerful job what more secretary with hr power of salary increment etc ? Doesn’t sound right at all.
STFU you bitch.
Getting fired from a job is shameful.


Just cut off your cheebye and leave it on her desk to prove your point!
I am my best proof. My behavior has been consistent be it online or offline. I don’t attack people at work, it’s always they attack me as I am doing clear shit job and they are the shit “revenging on me”. Come to think of it you scumbags are all the same be it kt latha or you or Malaysian criminal bullies attacking me. I didn’t attack I only defend and return insults, unlike kt latha and you lowlife eunuch criminal bullies that keep attacking me and insulted me a virgin slut whore mistress first. Pui! View attachment 159238