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Captain McCully


Think KT Latha is more chio than GSB lah. Hence, LJM not moved by GSB frequent one sided love advances

Maybe KTL looks like this

GSB look like Gollum's testicles.


Hr manager is obviously another good job especially those non qualified type empress dowager secretary promoted to hr manager.
kt latha was promoted cos she was competent n capable.... you're jus the opposite tat's why you got fired.... no wonder you hated her so much...:geek:


Of course it won’t close down because all the processes and procedures up to the easy upload to Australia tax department are set up. AND WHO SET THEM UP? ME. When I joined nothing was in placed.
Lol I just did a check of SFC website and looks like they did close down afterall. The Learjet Brisbane school is totally gone from their website, left only the Perth one. That’s a big reduction in job load as the two offices are like two companies operating in different states with different processes and procedures.


Lol I just did a check of SFC website and looks like they did close down afterall. The Learjet Brisbane school is totally gone from their website, left only the Perth one. That’s a big reduction in job load as the two offices are like two companies operating in different states with different processes and procedures.
Especially when the Perth office is the more established one with a local staff handing part of payroll processing there while the Brisbane one payroll was totally handled from Singapore.


Lol I just did a check of SFC website and looks like they did close down afterall. The Learjet Brisbane school is totally gone from their website, left only the Perth one. That’s a big reduction in job load as the two offices are like two companies operating in different states with different processes and procedures.
Looks like they closed down the school and office at Brisbane after getting rid of Learjet and changed to new planes or scale down operation or whatever happened it’s like the Brisbane office never existed and is never even mentioned in their company history now. LOL


Lol I just did a check of SFC website and looks like they did close down afterall. The Learjet Brisbane school is totally gone from their website, left only the Perth one. That’s a big reduction in job load as the two offices are like two companies operating in different states with different processes and procedures.



I don’t know and neither do I care. I don’t even know how many more years I am going to be alive, not that many if I am going to end up like my late father.

Your ah nehs need your cunt, you will live and fuck till you are a bag of bones.
They will ejaculate curry in your urn.

I will cut off your cheebye and frame it up for them to pray.