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Captain McCully


@ginfreely gansiokbin next year when you return to Mayfair you will get your karma :sneaky:
Your long and dark nipples may appear in newspaper or sbf .
You Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant must have been sent to jail for harassing middle aged woman as long and black nipples indeed. And no I will only get more vicious criminal bullying be it anywhere and not the first time. You criminal bullies that get away bullying me be it in mayfair or here or anywhere are the ones that will get karma not me. Pui!


Your second chance is to be haunted by every men who see you and whistle at you because you look and smell like a whore!!
I am very unfortunate to meet crimes done by so many evil filthy coward criminals sons of whores but at least I am not crushed to death unlike you cheap whore cock sucker of Malaysian criminal syndicate network will be. Pui!


That’s how despicable jealous pathetic loser you Jeremy Quek are. You are so scared to die dare not swear to die a violent death if I am a virgin. Self busted your own lies again. Pui! View attachment 158955
Jeremy Quek fabricated evidence and hid real evidence and scared to die dare not swear while jealous pathetic loser said people survive car accident relatively unscathed is to suffer more. So no morals no conscience animal indeed. View attachment 158956




Add salt, Add vinegar
Infatuated with LJM
Work hard to impress LJM
Work Competency not up to par
Jealous of a more capable KTL
Her Love for LJM Unrequited
Bullied Co-workers
Called KTL a Slut
Summarily Dismissed for Harassmemt
and also Unprofessional Conduct
No legal grounds to sue SFC, LJM, KTL
Depression sets in
Desires revenge
Spam Sammyboy Forum with Lies
Smear LJM, KTL and SFC

Look at your scary evil despicable no morals no conscience Malaysian clone @nightsafari toxic smelly Ccb mouth. Based on what you can say all these? I add salt add pepper ? Knnbccb I haven’t even said a lot of more things that I did. What you accused me already busted you to be telling lies of incompetent, jealous of capable kt latha, unrequited love of LJ McCully etc ridiculous evil filthy lies. Pui!


Look at your scary evil despicable no morals no conscience Malaysian clone @nightsafari toxic smelly Ccb mouth. Based on what you can say all these? I add salt add pepper ? Knnbccb I haven’t even said a lot of more things that I did. What you accused me already busted you to be telling lies of incompetent, jealous of capable kt latha, unrequited love of LJ McCully etc ridiculous evil filthy lies. Pui!
Btw I never planned all these daily episodes. I just say what I feel like saying at that moment. If I can plan or rather plot so well I will not be fired at all. Scary evil despicable people are always accusing me to be what they are themselves. Pui!


Look at your scary evil despicable no morals no conscience Malaysian clone @nightsafari toxic smelly Ccb mouth. Based on what you can say all these? I add salt add pepper ? Knnbccb I haven’t even said a lot of more things that I did. What you accused me already busted you to be telling lies of incompetent, jealous of capable kt latha, unrequited love of LJ McCully etc ridiculous evil filthy lies. Pui!
Obviously I must have done pretty damn impressively well as a lowly finance manager for @strawberry to accuse me add salt add pepper isn’t it?


Look at your scary evil despicable no morals no conscience Malaysian clone @nightsafari toxic smelly Ccb mouth. Based on what you can say all these? I add salt add pepper ? Knnbccb I haven’t even said a lot of more things that I did. What you accused me already busted you to be telling lies of incompetent, jealous of capable kt latha, unrequited love of LJ McCully etc ridiculous evil filthy lies. Pui!
Not just I set up Australia payroll tax superannuation filing stuff, I also set up basically the whole finance department okay? From preparing board paper to set up new Bank account to setting up internet banking to setting up monthly financial reports to setting up budgeting process and consolidation of the Singapore and two Australian offices.


Not just I set up Australia payroll tax superannuation filing stuff, I also set up basically the whole finance department okay? From preparing board paper to set up new Bank account to setting up internet banking to setting up monthly financial reports to setting up budgeting process and consolidation of the Singapore and two Australian offices.
And that of course includes training various staff in the process be it my finance department staff or the department managers or the chief pilot.


I am very unfortunate to meet crimes done by so many evil filthy coward criminals sons of whores but at least I am not crushed to death unlike you cheap whore cock sucker of Malaysian criminal syndicate network will be. Pui!

You will die slowly and painfully from cunt rot.


Again you busted liar pathetic loser cheap slut whore cock sucker of Malaysian criminal syndicate network pretend don’t know I said it here long time ago I already went to report police on them then and police said civil case asked me to go sue them AND said very hard to win because so long ago. Pui!


You Cantonese scammer prostitute descendant must have been sent to jail for harassing middle aged woman as long and black nipples indeed. And no I will only get more vicious criminal bullying be it anywhere and not the first time. You criminal bullies that get away bullying me be it in mayfair or here or anywhere are the ones that will get karma not me. Pui!
Your jibye face will appear in sbf once you return to Mayfair :whistling:


Not just I set up Australia payroll tax superannuation filing stuff, I also set up basically the whole finance department okay? From preparing board paper to set up new Bank account to setting up internet banking to setting up monthly financial reports to setting up budgeting process and consolidation of the Singapore and two Australian offices.
And that of course includes training various staff in the process be it my finance department staff or the department managers or the chief pilot.

TPX until u so super n high power... lidat sure have many employers lining up to hire u... yet still can't get a new job.. :geek:


Did one of Lear 31s CFIT in Southern Thailand? Can't recall which year
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