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Captain McCully


Should be very good job with no responsibility for no sourcing of valid good resumes, and no responsibility for not doing vetting of Cantonese resume, AND when it’s not full scale hr manager that handles payroll processing in the first place. The hard job payroll processing, bonus computation all handled by me and my finance department. That’s not normal, in all the companies that I have worked in before, payroll processing is part of hr department not finance department.
And payroll processing is not simple at all for pilot instructors AND Australia. Australia pay is bi-weekly and not monthly meaning the processing is not once a month but twice a month ie double the job load of Singapore payroll processing.


And payroll processing is not simple at all for pilot instructors AND Australia. Australia pay is bi-weekly and not monthly meaning the processing is not once a month but twice a month ie double the job load of Singapore payroll processing.
And pilot pay has big variable component ie their flying allowances that are based on flying hours in that period. The flying hours need to be input by the pilots AND verified by the chief pilot BEFORE their pay can even be processed for payroll. To do this every two weeks means a lot of work.


And payroll processing is not simple at all for pilot instructors AND Australia. Australia pay is bi-weekly and not monthly meaning the processing is not once a month but twice a month ie double the job load of Singapore payroll processing.

Who the fuck cares.
You think you're so good that the company will close down without you?


And pilot pay has big variable component ie their flying allowances that are based on flying hours in that period. The flying hours need to be input by the pilots AND verified by the chief pilot BEFORE their pay can even be processed for payroll. To do this every two weeks means a lot of work.

How much is your variable if you let ah nehs dig your hole?


And pilot pay has big variable component ie their flying allowances that are based on flying hours in that period. The flying hours need to be input by the pilots AND verified by the chief pilot BEFORE their pay can even be processed for payroll. To do this every two weeks means a lot of work.
And Australia has superannuation ie cpf that allows staff to choose different funds or even set up their own funds so the cpf processing part is also multiple funds to pay to. They also have PAYT, child support etc ie the Australia payroll processing is much more complex than Singapore payroll processing.


And Australia has superannuation ie cpf that allows staff to choose different funds or even set up their own funds so the cpf processing part is also multiple funds to pay to. They also have PAYT, child support etc ie the Australia payroll processing is much more complex than Singapore payroll processing.

You should fly your cheebye to sell in Australia, maybe you can get A$5.


And Australia has superannuation ie cpf that allows staff to choose different funds or even set up their own funds so the cpf processing part is also multiple funds to pay to. They also have PAYT, child support etc ie the Australia payroll processing is much more complex than Singapore payroll processing.
Pay as you go tax, payroll tax etc why LJ McCully don’t ask me do I know these?


Who the fuck cares.
You think you're so good that the company will close down without you?
Of course it won’t close down because all the processes and procedures up to the easy upload to Australia tax department are set up. AND WHO SET THEM UP? ME. When I joined nothing was in placed.


Of course it won’t close down because all the processes and procedures up to the easy upload to Australia tax department are set up. AND WHO SET THEM UP? ME. When I joined nothing was in placed.
So not just SFC had many internal audit issues when I joined, their payroll operation even uploading to Australia income tax part of payroll processing was not in placed.


Should be very good job with no responsibility for no sourcing of valid good resumes, and no responsibility for not doing vetting of Cantonese resume, AND when it’s not full scale hr manager that handles payroll processing in the first place. The hard job payroll processing, bonus computation all handled by me and my finance department. That’s not normal, in all the companies that I have worked in before, payroll processing is part of hr department not finance department.
So LJ McCully listen up not only did I do finance manager clear shit job, I did start up job for hr manager payroll processing job too. But of course that’s taken for granted by SFC and you.


So LJ McCully listen up not only did I do finance manager clear shit job, I did start up job for hr manager payroll processing job too. But of course that’s taken for granted by SFC and you.
My hundreds of hours of overtime in my first year of work - in the office and at home - are not to act busy but real hard work to clear shit and study & research Australia tax and accounting laws and regulations to do start up job too.


Of course it won’t close down because all the processes and procedures up to the easy upload to Australia tax department are set up. AND WHO SET THEM UP? ME. When I joined nothing was in placed.

So not just SFC had many internal audit issues when I joined, their payroll operation even uploading to Australia income tax part of payroll processing was not in placed.

So LJ McCully listen up not only did I do finance manager clear shit job, I did start up job for hr manager payroll processing job too. But of course that’s taken for granted by SFC and you.

My hundreds of hours of overtime in my first year of work - in the office and at home - are not to act busy but real hard work to clear shit and study & research Australia tax and accounting laws and regulations to do start up job too.

This all sounds like Unrequited Love
