Gum sia gum sia.
Very messy thread. Paiseh
Full detail also mentioned in the link given in post #14. This one very detail by IK explaining everything that MSS did which led to the current situation.

September 7, 2024 7:40 pm
Iris Koh
I first came across Geno Ong’s suicide note on the morning of Saturday, 7th September. Initially, I assumed it was yet another one of her many lies. Afterall her official address was not in Boon Lay. It wasn’t until later that evening, around 9 p.m., when I visited the police station, that I confirmed her death.I was shocked and saddened by the news.
Despite the legal conflict between her and Raymond, it’s deeply unfortunate that she chose to end her life in this way. I never met her, and we never spoke, so it’s heartbreaking that things escalated to such an extreme.I want to be very clear:
We did not cause her death. Geno’s decision to take her life was her own, driven by circumstances we may never fully understand.
Over the past few years, she spread damaging lies and misinformation about Raymond and myself. These falsehoods caused significant harm to us both personally and professionally. However, our legal actions were never intended to harm anyone but rather to seek justice and clear our names.
One of the most serious falsehoods Geno spread involved claims about government officers. Raymond sued her because the accusations were too severe to ignore. Yet, despite being sued, she remained relentless in her attacks.
What many may not know is that
Geno did not act alone. She actively sought out individuals I knew, such as my supporters, and spread misinformation to them. I believe she used her so-called "contacts" within AGC and SPF to influence Ramesh and Mary (my uplines in Dways). Ramesh, for instance, was going around Dways with a fake police document, telling people that Raymond and I would be arrested without trial.
This incident is currently being investigated by the police, and I hope they uncover the full truth behind Geno and her group's coordinated efforts to defame us.
Geno also collaborated with others to damage our reputation further. Beatrice and Charlene from the SG Suspected Vaccine Injuries Group worked with her to continuously defame us in the numerous Telegram groups with thousands of people. Their defamation was especially serious because they undermined the efforts of my medical activism. Her suicide note even included "evidence" from these two, showing that they were in constant communication.
She also maintained contact with Jacintha, a former supporter of mine who turned against Raymond and began defaming him. Raymond is currently suing her as well. Along with others like Peg Asus (who is also being sued), they created Facebook and chat groups to spread rumours and gossip about us continuously.
Her defamation, coupled with the impact of Rice Media’s coverage, led to Raymond's investigation and arrest in March 2021. To this day, he remains uncharged but has had his passport withheld. Is this form of "tribal justice" fair? Do people understand that not every business venture succeeds, and that doesn't automatically mean people are being scammers and cheating them deliberately?
It’s important to note that
Geno had access to legal representation. She spent over $100,000 on lawyers, while Raymond, who sued her, did so without legal representation. If Raymond's case was baseless, her legal team could have easily struck it out. But they didn’t. Even after being sued, she continued to attack us without pause. She was relentless.
The best defence against defamation is the truth. If Geno truly believed in her accusations, she had every opportunity to present them in court. But she didn’t. Why?
The likely reason is that the people she claimed to meet—individuals from AGC, SPF, MOH, IRAS, connections with "a powerful judge"—simply didn’t exist. When Raymond pressed her for the names of these people,
it became apparent that her situation was shifting from a civil suit to a potential criminal case. The severity of her actions dawned on her, and she likely realised she could face jail time.
Raymond has even written to the AGC to initiate criminal proceedings against her.
In her suicide note, she included "evidence" of others who supported her claims. The names she mentioned—Mary (from Dways), Jacintha, Beatrice, and Charlene—point to a pattern. It strongly suggests that Geno was not a mere victim but the orchestrator behind much of the harassment we have endured.
Throughout this time,
Geno chose not to engage in meaningful dialogue. She never approached us to resolve the situation peacefully.
In fact, I must stress again, I have never met or spoken to her before. Don't you think that if you were going to spend your life defaming someone, that you would at least want to meet the persons yourselves to verify what people say of them? But Geno chose to believe in the rumours and gossip of her friends.
Defamation laws exist for a reason: to protect individuals from baseless attacks. We turned to the legal system because the lies and falsehoods had reached unbearable levels.
Now, some people are currently accusing us of being responsible for her death. Let me ask you: If you were in my shoes, having been defamed and attacked for years, with your credibility, livelihood, and relationships crumbling, what would you do? The legal system is designed to resolve disputes fairly, based on facts.
As a society,
we must be governed by facts and truthful communication. Slander and libel have devastating consequences. Before repeating or acting on information, we must confirm its accuracy. Falsehoods, as we’ve seen in this tragic case, can spiral out of control.
While I understand Geno’s emotional and financial struggles,
suicide is never the answer. There were multiple opportunities for her to resolve the situation through an apology, retraction, or peaceful negotiation. But instead, she made a tragic choice, likely because she realised the severity of her actions and, being a prideful person, couldn’t bring herself to admit her wrongdoing.
I am deeply saddened that it ended this way.
I want to take this opportunity to ask for an end to the defamation and baseless accusations.
Today, you are the bystanders in this drama. You’ve heard one side of the story, and it’s easy to feel sympathy for her and conclude that we are the cause of her suicide. But I ask you to look deeper.
You’ve read our posts, and perhaps you now see us as the victims of Geno Ong’s defamation. I ask you to not participate in throwing stones and pointing fingers. Instead, let’s work towards being part of the solution rather than fuelling divisions as many would ask you to.
Only facts can heal this divide. Without understanding the full context and sequence of events from both sides, the truth remains elusive. Sadly, much of the division today is perpetuated by the media.
I do not know if the Media will present our side of the story. They probably won’t, as I have been critical of the Singapore Government’s vaccine policies, making me a target. The Media’s misrepresentation has forced us into numerous legal battles, and I intend to take legal action against them if they sensationalise this tragedy and point the finger at us for Geno’s suicide. Likewise, I remain committed to standing up for myself and will not hesitate to take actions against anyone who continue to defame me and Healing the Divide.
The legal system exists to resolve disputes
based on facts, not on rumours or hearsay. It is essential to uphold that integrity.
Lastly, I want to emphasise that
suicide cannot and should not be used as a deterrent for legal actions. Justice must take its course without being influenced by extreme measures. Geno’s tragic decision reminds us all of the importance of truth, dialogue, and responsibility.
Let us not allow this tragedy to cause more harm. Instead, let’s reflect on the value of truth and responsible communication.
My heart goes out to Geno’s loved ones during this painful and difficult time. I hope they find peace and I hope that what I have shared will help them to find closure. RIP Geno Ong.