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100 signs that Cantonese dogs sons of CHICKENS @pig @nanospeed @sbfuncle @balls2u @ultimareonline @lostvirgin etc are 小人


69. @Houri Hide in rat hole defame you hokkien virgin as dirty cb with infectious diseases is of course 小人
she is definitely 100% siaolang
no use one lah. she might have infectious diseases. don't go near her.

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Everyone with conscience knows you have been viciously attacking me hokkien virgin with annulled marriage as chicken and stinky vagina. Now just act innocent tell lies. Do crimes to me and then do manipulation say your victim is mad say your victim has infectious diseases is so proud Cantonese dog son of prostitute SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT AKA STINKY VAGINA way to win Pui !


70. @Houri tell lies like breathing air say you sit there eat meals and dogs whistle at you from behind is called you are dirty woman seeking attention is of course Cantonese 小人


70. @Houri tell lies like breathing air say you sit there eat meals and dogs whistle at you from behind is called you are dirty woman seeking attention is of course Cantonese 小人
Dirty woman always trying to get attention of men whether in her Jurong neighborhood or in this forum. Very very slutty attention seeker.
Tsk tsk tsk so despicable Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT tell lies I sit there eat my meals and dogs whistle at me from behind can also twist to I seek attention Pui!