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没底线没品 Cantonese dogs sons of chickens @zhihau @pig @nanospeec @sbfuncle etc continue to steal company time take salary don’t work and do evil


Dogs start new thread to cover up truth.

Thread '助纣为虐Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes @Balls2U @Houri @lostvirgin etc are so immoral'
You spent hours replying exposing Cantonese criminal dog lies they just ignore and start new thread can win Liao. You reply say you defensive you don’t reply say you hide can win Liao. Go to my above thread to read all my replies there to these Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes do evil act innocent tell lies do manipulation accuse victim mad




Up up up evil coward vicious dogs sons of Cantonese prostitutes smearing me one @Houri@sbfuncle @lostvirgin @NanoSpeed@nightsafari @syed putra @Balls2U@GUDANGARAM etc etc gang up many to one hide in rat hole do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin everyday with their Cantonese dog pride doing psychological projections accusing me what they and their cheap women are Pui!