This is an old arguement in 2008 but I want to bring this matter up again.
I recently have to go for reservist PNSF shooting. It was a 9hr long event for us to shoot 60 rounds from a revolver. Inefficiency aside, the matter I want to bring up is I was forced to cut my civilian hair for this 9hr event, if not I am liable for unattendance and be forced to come again or worst case scenerio, imprisonment and fine.
There are some who kena ICT who face the same problem but I don't know much about that. Maybe someone can share his story.
Anyway, 4 years ago when stomper Lionheart complained about this on stomp, the general responses is that this guy is being sissy and blowing the matter out of proportion.
Now is my turn to make the same complaint but I want to add a few things. I keep my hair long is my business and no one else. It is my form of self expression. I do not care if other people think I yandao or not yandao. It is the self image I want to keep for myself and no one else's. Why can't MINDEF and MHA respect our right to chose our own self image? Worse, if we chose not to adhere to their short hair rule, they have the power to throw us in DB and pay a monetary fine. All over the length of hair.
WTF? Singaporean male have no right to keep their hair long?
There are some who say that you need to be like a musican or artist so can have excuse to keep their hair long. That is complete bull crap. Why must I have a special excuse to keep my hair the way I wanted it? Why must a government agency invade my personal space and force me to cut my hair under threat of prosecution? Worse still there are some "special" people who don't need to adhere to the short hair rule.
Another common arguement is that, "your hair will grow back, stop making such a big deal out of it".
Ok, aside from MINDEF and MHA violating my personal space and forcing their ideals on hair fashion on me. It is not as simple as "hair will grow back"
The average human hair grow at a speed of 1.25cm per month. Keeping long hair is a long term investment. I had to wait 8 months to wait for my hair to grow the perfect shoulder length hair for men and another 3 months for my side burns to match my shoulder length hair. So in total, it was a 11 month investment for my hair to grow to a length which I like. I was proud of my hair and now I had to cut off my 11 month investment for a 9hr event. Where is the justice in that?
Also, though I didn't go for any special treatment, there are others who spent hundreds of dollars on their hair and for them to be cut just for reservist is as equivalent to MINDEF and MHA throwing away your money.
After NS, we are grown adults above 21. We have the right to vote, we have the right to have sex with the opposite sex above 16, we have the right to chose how we lead our life. And we chose a civilian life, away from the stupid knock it down bull crap we don't agree on. Why must MINDEF and MHA enforce their ideals in our civilian life?
I know there are other important thing to think about. Like the stupid RT that waste people's time and money and also interference of serving with your civilian career. But I'm gonna focus on this one first.
What are your experience on this matter and how can we stop all this bull crap?
This is an old arguement in 2008 but I want to bring this matter up again.
I recently have to go for reservist PNSF shooting. It was a 9hr long event for us to shoot 60 rounds from a revolver. Inefficiency aside, the matter I want to bring up is I was forced to cut my civilian hair for this 9hr event, if not I am liable for unattendance and be forced to come again or worst case scenerio, imprisonment and fine.
There are some who kena ICT who face the same problem but I don't know much about that. Maybe someone can share his story.
Anyway, 4 years ago when stomper Lionheart complained about this on stomp, the general responses is that this guy is being sissy and blowing the matter out of proportion.
Now is my turn to make the same complaint but I want to add a few things. I keep my hair long is my business and no one else. It is my form of self expression. I do not care if other people think I yandao or not yandao. It is the self image I want to keep for myself and no one else's. Why can't MINDEF and MHA respect our right to chose our own self image? Worse, if we chose not to adhere to their short hair rule, they have the power to throw us in DB and pay a monetary fine. All over the length of hair.
WTF? Singaporean male have no right to keep their hair long?
There are some who say that you need to be like a musican or artist so can have excuse to keep their hair long. That is complete bull crap. Why must I have a special excuse to keep my hair the way I wanted it? Why must a government agency invade my personal space and force me to cut my hair under threat of prosecution? Worse still there are some "special" people who don't need to adhere to the short hair rule.
Another common arguement is that, "your hair will grow back, stop making such a big deal out of it".
Ok, aside from MINDEF and MHA violating my personal space and forcing their ideals on hair fashion on me. It is not as simple as "hair will grow back"
The average human hair grow at a speed of 1.25cm per month. Keeping long hair is a long term investment. I had to wait 8 months to wait for my hair to grow the perfect shoulder length hair for men and another 3 months for my side burns to match my shoulder length hair. So in total, it was a 11 month investment for my hair to grow to a length which I like. I was proud of my hair and now I had to cut off my 11 month investment for a 9hr event. Where is the justice in that?
Also, though I didn't go for any special treatment, there are others who spent hundreds of dollars on their hair and for them to be cut just for reservist is as equivalent to MINDEF and MHA throwing away your money.
After NS, we are grown adults above 21. We have the right to vote, we have the right to have sex with the opposite sex above 16, we have the right to chose how we lead our life. And we chose a civilian life, away from the stupid knock it down bull crap we don't agree on. Why must MINDEF and MHA enforce their ideals in our civilian life?
I know there are other important thing to think about. Like the stupid RT that waste people's time and money and also interference of serving with your civilian career. But I'm gonna focus on this one first.
What are your experience on this matter and how can we stop all this bull crap?
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