one of my female friend just told me in the face, "you men just don't get it"
left me confused for a while, and then i thought we as men are ruled by logic, the women are ruled by emotions. what do you think?
Bro, Sorry la, I drop into your thread again,you always got new topic,
you men just don’t get it, get what?But women can get it, right?
I just try to understand,actually at what circumstances she told you.
Female alway indirect tell male what she really want to say,as men
you thought ruled by logic,and women are ruled by emotions,so mostly
you may get wrong interpretion,May I subject to use emotions and follow
by logic to solve it.
I think your female friend you know her well,what thing men don't get it?
This thing may just around us and we rashly miss it,to their concern,
this way may wake us up.
Like Bro Pica said,if she hinted you -> it is like pointing to a dress at
1st floor but what she truely want is another dress at the 3rd floor...,
women wish to test men whether you care her.If you can guess what
she thought,you are great la,