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Men prefer to be alone as they get older. Do you agree?


that is your perception, pls dun push your perception onto me. It is rude to do that. I have my own perception about life.
You are beginning to sound like a simp.
I agree with you on this.

Not everyone needs the emotional comfort from a woman. Even if there is a woman who provides emotional comfort, it's not without conditions attached. It's the attached conditions that will zap the energy in you.

Soul mate is just another name created to camouflage what really is emotional weakness.


I agree with you on this.

Not everyone needs the emotional comfort from a woman. Even if there is a woman who provides emotional comfort, it's not without conditions attached. It's the attached conditions that will zap the energy in you.

Soul mate is just another name created to camouflage what really is emotional weakness.
i believe the string attached is due to their need to survive for the future. Having a husband give them that.

To look deeper into it, it is the monetary system of the world that causes it. It is based on the idea of scarcity that this is set up to lower our frequency. Women and men need each other not based on heart centered love but transaction to survive for the future. This is super turn off for me.

Those who wish to move to a higher dimension of 5D earth, there will not be money system anymore and you work based on your service and passion. Divine has taken over the narrative of ascension. People need to do silent meditation frequently ( the same meditation that Buddha did under the Bodhi tree) in order to evolved and move to 5D earth. i believe in 5D earth environment where abundance is prevalent, heart centered love between men and women will exist more readily.
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Soul mate is just another name created to camouflage what really is emotional weakness.
I think it is emotional dependency. The person do not feel competed and whole by himself or herself and NEED another one to make him or her feel complete.

I am emotionally self-sufficient and do not need another person to complete me, i am whole by myself. It feels free.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
once i make a decision to stay away from pussies, my life becomes peaceful, productive and more fulfilling. But that is just me, to put it as a disclaimer. so i stick to this lifestyle and will not go back. so many good and happy things surface in my life after making this decision. ( not forgetting dodging many bullets too) Now even more so as many pussies are vaccinated. For an unvaxxed like me, i will never ever touch them.
dun need to quit pussies so extreme
Just use pussies as what they are intended
Pay if need be then fuck and fuck off
pussies on long term is too much of hassle and drama. If really need to commit then just take the shortest term lease possible



dun need to quit pussies so extreme
Just use pussies as what they are intended
Pay if need be then fuck and fuck off
pussies on long term is too much of hassle and drama. If really need to commit then just take the shortest term lease possible
Already quit, not going back.. Mostly are vaccinated pussies, yucks.


I agree with you on this.

Not everyone needs the emotional comfort from a woman. Even if there is a woman who provides emotional comfort, it's not without conditions attached. It's the attached conditions that will zap the energy in you.

Soul mate is just another name created to camouflage what really is emotional weakness.
I agree with you on this.
That's why after I have sex with a woman, I would prefer them to disappear and not to share the bed with me overnight and I prefer to sleep alone. I would ask them to fuck off asap.


Use proper English lah. Don't say "ask them to fuck off", just say "apply for annulment of marriage". :laugh:

@Houri 小弟,对不对?
LOL. This is only applicable during a dong fang ye.
Of course I won't use the actual word fuck off.
I will just tell them politely - you can leave now as I cannot sleep properly with another person sharing the same bed.

This applies to me for both paid sex and unpaid sex

Some people like to book a whore for the night. Even I paid for the night, after the sex I will ask them to leave. Beneficial to both party.


Use proper English lah. Don't say "ask them to fuck off", just say "apply for annulment of marriage". :laugh:

@Houri 小弟,对不对?
Perhaps my mindset will only change with this.

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