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Men prefer to be alone as they get older. Do you agree?


View attachment 208074

Unlike women in the west, older women in China have very limited support from the government.

Unlike the west, Chinese businesses are not forced to employ older women so many companies choose the younger, prettier women for the kind of roles that most women want and are suitable for: sales, customer service, receptionists, tourism, hospitality and retail work. For example, many Asian airlines "retire" their female staff from flight and receptionist positions when they hit thirty and simply replace them with new recruits who are nineteen or twenty.

This is why Chinese women need the support structure of a husband to survive, unlike western women who can lean on government support and institutionalised scams to forcefully take a man's assets and income.

In China their ability to scam men out of their lifelong savings, investments and future income is very limited. Older single women are likely to die simply because they can't afford the medical care if they get sick.

Their parents try to help but once the parents are too old, even that support disappears. In short, women without husbands in China are in deep trouble as they age.

Their loneliness is the least of their problems.

The underlying reason is to survive, not because love is in the air. Please wake up to this reality.

If this Zahid is a beggar who live in the street with only a meal a day, let's see if she still love at 1st sight or run at 1st sighting


Loneliness is a necessary pathway that leads to enlightenment.

The opposite of loneliness is not happiness; it's distraction and indulgence.

@sbfuncle 祝你早日修成正果
My advice is - When you can still afford to feel lonely, count yourself lucky and be contented.
There are people that doesn't even have to luxury to feel lonely due to some kind of circumstances.