Looks like we have one hobby in common...................
One thing I don't understand, I wonder how that fellow, (who always tries to act as a reasonable and logical person and forummer) justifies his support for obvious trolls and disrupters like kopisaichwee and fishcheebye. Does he not comprehend the nature of the threads they start and their subsequent posts and their intention? More likely he does that in the name of some absurd concept of "fairness", but obviously he doesn't realise how misguided and idiotic he appears. Haizzz, it's probably the same reason why he is considered a typical "grateful gongkia", someone who just because he works in a large organization e.g. a bank, feels grateful to the pap government for his life, without looking around him and seeing the reality that some impoverished elderlies have to face, while the miw cronies continue to collect rent and take up new appointments.
Add on his "don't be xenophobic" rants and his "thank you for politicising this thread" fucktard idiocy, and it looks like we have an SBF winner for "grateful gongkia" of the decade.