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who used to cheong these retro discos


Yes Anthony the bisexual hongkie disco king......one time partner of Chris Ho....fucked guys and also many beautiful women. Got beaten up coz fucked one of his air stewardess groupie fans gave her VD.
Andrew Ing was the other half of the DJ duo.

Studebakers came before Venom. Even famous name couldn’t help it’s business

FD was from TMF the famous music force.....though he was just the water boy amongst the famous DJ legends there like Mr X

ya tiagong he tio hoot, run all the way to the carpark hide. haha

andrew and tracy, famous names im the biz


KNN there was 1 Zanzi bar at le meridien Hotel there level 2 KNN it was a lounge ktv from early hours and disco start at around 11pm KNN my uncle got to know many chiobus there due to his power singing KNN


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Ship when Tania was there was my favorite. Great food before the gig started. Great music after the dining ended so there was no need to go anywhere else.


If you want to go back even further....

1) Lost Horizon - Shangri-La Hotel
2) Barbarella - Ming Court Hotel
3) Boiler Room - Mandarin Hotel
4) West End Club - Goodwood Park Hotel
5) Studio M - Plaza Hotel


Ship when Tania was there was my favorite. Great food before the gig started. Great music after the dining ended so there was no need to go anywhere else.

u mean the ship restaurant at shaw lido? its still there but no live band, lol


KNN boss different topic lah KNN yours is the high ses experience KNN


Frankly me would like to add Brannigans at Hyatt Hotel.
Good band there.
Singer Guapo (not sure of spelling).

After parked my Lumpargini at main entrance, will go Petes Place for Bestest Italian pizza and tiramusu
B4 going into Brannigans.

Lots of Russian and Korean