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who used to cheong these retro discos


  • rumours - at forum (DJs were that HK disco king and the other guy was the zouk fella) later revived teadance culture
  • warehouse - next to riverside hotel (zouk stole their warehouse concept)
  • chinoisserie - shinwah for the rich...became pickup joint later
  • scandals- At then Westin Hotel wasn’t very popular
  • xanadu- THE place at the Shang this place precedes the rest in the list
  • reading room- referring to the one at Marina Mandarin? Orchard Mandarin had the Library. Hilton had another similar ‘room’ forgot the name
  • ridleys- ANA used to be be called ridleys has the rubber. By Europa group
  • pacha - can’t recall
  • studebakers - pacific plaza didn’t last Long
  • peppermint park- same era as Xanadu - also By Europa
  • east west express- can’t recall

rumours dj antony lee aka lion king, blonde pony tail and fashionable 80s turtlenecks

warehouse damn big spacious

shinwa stewardesses pickup joint

xanadu the first to invest and intro green laser lights, tiagong back then damn costly most discos cant afford but later became a norm at zouk

reading room 4 levels interesting hip decor

sorry not pacha, thats at ibiza haha, shld be pascal but cant remem at which hotel cld be sheraton

studebaker keep changing name, before was venom..days of tower records at pacific plaza

east west at katong paramount hotel, small disco own by guess who? flying dutchman back then the mobile discos operators like moe alkaff and vomit singh

cheers, thanks for the nostalgic memos ! haha


ah also got one at east coast beach at the old splash.. lasted a short while, decor quite cool like beach resort style

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
the days of the 80s haute culture, black and white bengs, luminous green lians, gel hair the fucking smell damn strong and trademark sharp pointed orange comb in back pocket in case of piah chwee
The most beng disco by far was Marmota later Octogon at the Oasis

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
There was 1 quite popular disco at basement of Somerset there forgot what name KNN
97 at basement of Phoenix Hotel by Europa Chain.
They also had another along Orchard Road....music underground at basement of international Building.
97 was frequent by 369 siaos and Sarji ginnas

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
rumours dj antony lee aka lion king, blonde pony tail and fashionable 80s turtlenecks

warehouse damn big spacious

shinwa stewardesses pickup joint

xanadu the first to invest and intro green laser lights, tiagong back then damn costly most discos cant afford but later became a norm at zouk

reading room 4 levels interesting hip decor

sorry not pacha, thats at ibiza haha, shld be pascal but cant remem at which hotel cld be sheraton

studebaker keep changing name, before was venom..days of tower records at pacific plaza

east west at katong paramount hotel, small disco own by guess who? flying dutchman back then the mobile discos operators like moe alkaff and vomit singh

cheers, thanks for the nostalgic memos ! haha
Yes Anthony the bisexual hongkie disco king......one time partner of Chris Ho....fucked guys and also many beautiful women. Got beaten up coz fucked one of his air stewardess groupie fans gave her VD.
Andrew Ing was the other half of the DJ duo.

Studebakers came before Venom. Even famous name couldn’t help it’s business

FD was from TMF the famous music force.....though he was just the water boy amongst the famous DJ legends there like Mr X