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who used to cheong these retro discos


Lerine again? I have gotten over her but don't tell her that. :biggrin: I have fond memories of Sparks, the girls I met, befriended and slept with. One was a nurse, one a divorcee with a kid, one was studying medicine, one was an office worker on employment pass, one was a bubbly secretary. Oh, and my wife at that time (my first wife) was a teacher.
Veli happening.



Thats @glockman

Me nephew's Idol.




Lerine again? I have gotten over her but don't tell her that. :biggrin: I have fond memories of Sparks, the girls I met, befriended and slept with. One was a nurse, one a divorcee with a kid, one was studying medicine, one was an office worker on employment pass, one was a bubbly secretary. Oh, and my wife at that time (my first wife) was a teacher.
all from sparks?!?!


I though so too. At fire always waiting for fight to start...
KNN at that period my uncle was already a promising executive driving car drawing 6k+ in salary so when he got to know 1 lian in late teens during his course of work the lian invited him to meet some half disable shoulder gang friends over there KNN 1 of the lian even told another lian in squatting posture how...marenayger kind kym KNN my uncle felt pressure from their jargon eventually my uncle didn't go steady with her KNN


KNN at that period my uncle was already a promising executive driving car drawing 6k+ in salary so when he got to know 1 lian in late teens during his course of work the lian invited him to meet some half disable shoulder gang friends over there KNN 1 of the lian even told another lian in squatting posture how...marenayger kind kym KNN my uncle felt pressure from their jargon eventually my uncle didn't go steady with her KNN
Steady lah you!! :thumbsup: I like ah lian. :thumbsup:


KNN at that period my uncle was already a promising executive driving car drawing 6k+ in salary so when he got to know 1 lian in late teens during his course of work the lian invited him to meet some half disable shoulder gang friends over there KNN 1 of the lian even told another lian in squatting posture how...marenayger kind kym KNN my uncle felt pressure from their jargon eventually my uncle didn't go steady with her KNN
he must have saw glocky laughing at u... tats why he did the same... :geek:
wah lan eh you 2, same avatar I oso don't know who I'm talking too.

Have to check the KNN or the :geek: