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What do you think of PM Lawrence Wong so far?


Alfrescian (Inf)
i think Pinky is fond of him. Can see Pinky looks happy when LW taking over compared to Heng. also never throw any roadblocks
Pinky has no choice, forced to handover because he over-stayed his time and beginning to receive backslash since he has already promised during the last election that he plan to handover before the next election. As the next election time draws nearer, he has to honour his own words regardless he like LW or not. It is unfortunate of him that his favorite pet (Kee Chiu) screwed up which did not impress the public at all. If Pinky continue to stay on, as PM, his team will lost more seats in parliament. His option was tight, and LW is just a filler to get over with the nightmare.


Pinky has no choice, forced to handover because he over-stayed his time and beginning to receive backslash since he has already promised during the last election that he plan to handover before the next election. As the next election time draws nearer, he has to honour his own words regardless he like LW or not. It is unfortunate of him that his favorite pet (Kee Chiu) screwed up which did not impress the public at all. If Pinky continue to stay on, as PM, his team will lost more seats in parliament. His option was tight, and LW is just a filler to get over with the nightmare.
damage control can only save his ass so much this time. Unfit to run a country when your own fucking family is in shambles.