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Chitchat Unable to use the $300 climate voucher


Not really. It's the hot water + carbon steel construction that causes that leak.
Remove either one and it won't.
I heard people always saying to buy those with copper. I then ask the sales rep those non copper means what, they say plastic lor. Is copper one really better and in what way?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think the first batch they never give it to every household, only the low income one. Also the claiming method was different. I didn't get it. Or maybe I didn't applied for it.
So KNN so hard to use the voucher, even shower head need specific brand, hard to find.

yes..............you need to go to their website for list of approved models of whatever yo wanna buy................then ask the retailers if they have it..................but i nthe end, no point - from what i read at fuckwarezone and my own experience...........they will push you those models they wanna sell............other models are available but they tell you cannot use ...............