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Chitchat Unable to use the $300 climate voucher


Don't say I never teach you.

If the fan is $399, use $300 from CV and $99 from CDC.

Go to a place like Giant. They accept both, and they will deliver to your house too.
Too bad my cdc long gone.
I think not easy to find any products available for cv to just topup a little.


does Dyson accept Climate Vouchers?
You must buy Dyson fan from participating shops like fairprice, best denki etc. Cannot buy directly from Dyson.
But again I not sure will they choot pattern when you really want to buy, probably only very limited brand/model can qualify in those participating shops.


You must buy Dyson fan from participating shops like fairprice, best denki etc. Cannot buy directly from Dyson.
But again I not sure will they choot pattern when you really want to buy, probably only very limited brand can qualify.
actually Mustafa sells cheaper fans and have KDK stocks , don't know whether they are participating in this climate voucher or not?


Cb means the scam still exist.
Heat pump water heater is very expensive, still need to topup alot.

Ultimately, it is about your health, not just climate issues that many other brands of pump water heaters would do to our precious climate.

As you had acknowledged that you would need heated water for showers at your age, it would be best to get better ones.

While the cost of pump water heater is expensive, even climate friendly ones, that $300 voucher funded by taxpayers for you & our climate we all share, is not a scam. It would at least offset the high costs of getting what you need for your health. We leave none behind, & would help with what we can bear to afford for our 3 million+ fellow citizens......

Imagine if without that although small, but a sincere gesture from us, you would have to pay a higher sum to get what you need for your health... or do with something cheaper that does not assure steady heated water, & should you fall sick at your age, the hospital bills alone would be far more than thousands dollars you had saved.

As you had often claimed that Singapore Pools is an ATM machine for the lucky you with your 'secret' codes, what is a few more hundred to spend on top of many if not most of us taxpayers whom are not as lucky as you but had given from our wallets & hearts, to save your life, your health & comfort, for many & our precious environment?


Ultimately, it is about your health, not just climate issues that many other brands of pump water heaters would do to our precious climate.

As you had acknowledged that you would need heated water for showers at your age, it would be best to get better ones.

While the cost of pump water heater is expensive, even climate friendly ones, that $300 voucher funded by taxpayers for you & our climate we all share, is not a scam. It would at least offset the high costs of getting what you need for your health. We leave none behind, & would help with what we can bear to afford for our 3 million+ fellow citizens......

Imagine if without that although small, but a sincere gesture from us, you would have to pay a higher sum to get what you need for your health... or do with something cheaper that does not assure steady heated water, & should you fall sick at your age, the hospital bills alone would be far more than thousands dollars you had saved.

As you had often claimed that Singapore Pools is an ATM machine for the lucky you with your 'secret' codes, what is a few more hundred to spend on top of many if not most of us taxpayers whom are not as lucky as you but had given from our wallets & hearts, to save your life, your health & comfort, for many & our precious environment?
Thanks for your input.

A few points to note :

1. Firstly, I do not think that conventional water heater will do any difference with a pump heater for my health.

2. Whether is a scam - well, at first I do see it as a direct scam I.e In order to use it, we would need to topup money. And the topup is not a negligible amount.
If gov really had wanted to help sinkies, just give it whole heartedly without all these clauses intact.

But later on, I learnt from @NanoSpeed that we can actually share the voucher among households. As such, I now see it as something we could do better with it than to waste it. So betting the $300 with other households is the best option. With the combination of a few household I then can buy the things without having to topup.

3. Yes, I have broken the secret code to soccer bettings, and using some kind of da vinci code for horse racing (although not as accurate as soccer yet), and been able to constantly siphon money from sg pool
But I do not mix these 2 matters together.
That is to say, if I see this voucher as a scam, I would rather use the topup fee to donate to the poor than to be scammed by gov.
Recently I just collected a considerably decent amount from sg pool using the da vinci code and could have used it to topup, but this is just not me.




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Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks for your input.

A few points to note :

1. Firstly, I do not think that conventional water heater will do any difference with a pump heater for my health.

2. Whether is a scam - well, at first I do see it as a direct scam I.e In order to use it, we would need to topup money. And the topup is not a negligible amount.
If gov really had wanted to help sinkies, just give it whole heartedly without all these clauses intact.

But later on, I learnt from @NanoSpeed that we can actually share the voucher among households. As such, I now see it as something we could do better with it than to waste it. So betting the $300 with other households is the best option. With the combination of a few household I then can buy the things without having to topup.

3. Yes, I have broken the secret code to soccer bettings, and using some kind of da vinci code for horse racing (although not as accurate as soccer yet), and been able to constantly siphoning money from sg pool
But I do not mix these 2 matters together.
That is to say, if I see this voucher as a scam, I would rather use the topup fee to donate to the poor than to be scammed by gov.
Recently I just collected a considerably decent amount from sg pool using the da vinci code and could have used it to topup, but this is just not me.
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then must tell us the soccer betting method leh...................together we'll wage war upon PAP by bankrupting SingPools............. :biggrin:


If we look closely on how the scheme is designed - yes it is indeed a scam.

It has denominations of $2 $5 $10 yet only big ticket items can be used.
They just wanted to entice and scam greedy sinkies to use it.

I'm looking for an idiot to sell it to. Can let go at $250 cash.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I believe if I report it to NEA, I will get the same answer I.e you can use it to buy aircon fridge etc.
The only thing that I can tell them back will be
Then remove the fucking water heater from your approved list.

i think they know the problems since their employees also encounter same problem...............but they boh pian becoz very few companies wanna be part of this scheme...........when i used the previous vouchers to buy showerheads..............the shopowner told me many of his peers don't wanna join the scheme........