If you read the Gospels you would not have failed to read that the Jews accused Him of claiming to be God.
So if I accuse you of a crime does it mean you're guilty of it?
What a laugh .
If you read the Gospels you would not have failed to read that the Jews accused Him of claiming to be God.
So if I accuse you of a crime does it mean you're guilty of it?
What a laugh .
So if I accuse you of a crime does it mean you're guilty of it?
What a laugh .
You are not thinking hard. If you accuse me of something i did not do i can always deny the charge and challenge the accusation. Jesus did not do that.
But how does this count against Him? The fathers of modern science were believers and none complained that God did not teach them what they discovered. Instead it is their belief that God has ordered the universe that led them to discover and formulate the laws of nature. If you never taught your kids how to make their beds (I'm sure you do!), does that justify them saying they have no father? Of course not. A complaint against God is not the same as denying God exists.
Then let's keep that theory in comic con land.
Well, but somebody thought of it right? Can the bible then belong to comic land then? Even though it was not meant to be funny.
Fren, the fathers of modern science were human beings, smart ones. They knew what was politcal correctness. Perhaps they remembered what happened to Galileo and didn't want to be locked up and tortured. Well, most of those who come to mind lived in later ages where believers in God were more humane, but you get the message. They just didn't want to rock the boat and become unpopular. They were challenging themselves (and probably accepted thought too) to find explanations and not just blindly accepting what was accepted and God-given.
Always look at intent of writers, what do you think? Was the Bible meant to entertain?
Question is, is your theory supported by the facts, or is it a just so story to avoid the obvious? If you have any evidence to support your theory please share. It wouldn't do to assume that they were avoiding ending up like Galileo. Besides, what happened to Galileo isn't what you think it was. Many people have the wrong ideas about what really happened.
I am sure there were many floods throughout history. The biblical flood is just one. And from it the ancients forged the story of Noah's Ark which tells of God's intentions and goodness. I like the story and am looking forward to watch the coming movie. The bible stories are good, for it describes the evilness of man, and that among these men, there are good ones. And this gives us hope.
bro, I think river story goes hand in hand with flood story. In chess, you can't checkmate using 1 piece. I am going to use a river story as the second piece to join the dots.Well, but somebody thought of it right? Can the bible then belong to comic land then? Even though it was not meant to be funny.
Yes. You are correct, it does not reinforce evolution. However, at this point, creation, evolution, and intelligent design are all at investigative level. We have not reached enough knowledge to conclude anyone is the correct one yet. There are arguments pro and against in all cases.
Of course not. People during those early days did not know what is humour. They were superstitious, god-fearing, nature-fearing, and attributed all things to works of spirits, some evil, some good.
Aiyah, I didn't study history, not to the kind of detail you're querying. I understand that Galileo, for some of his published work was accused of heresy, and placed under house arrest. It was until recently (last few years, during our lifetime) that he was pardoned, or forgiven and his works honoured and recognised. Correct me if I am mistaken. Honestly, I don't even know who came first, Galileo or Copernicus, but it was Galileo who ran into trouble with the Pope/Vatican/Church.
Ancient civilizations sprung from river bank, logically you will find accounts of regional flood stories in many cultures. Using your reasoning, how many days of rain would it take to cover the earth up to 12th storey high and how many months to cover the mountains? When the flood subsided, where the water vanished?
Ancient civilizations sprung from river bank, logically you will find accounts of regional flood stories in many cultures. Using your reasoning, how many days of rain would it take to cover the earth up to 12th storey high and how many months to cover the mountains? When the flood subsided, where the water vanished?
The evidences that species evolved are overwhelming.
"Hens don’t have teeth, but they have the genes for it. With atavism, it is as if our genomes serve as archives of our evolutionary past.
Humans do not have tails, but do we have “what it takes” for a tail?"
I am sure you will be highly interested to read on this http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/atavism-embryology-development-and-evolution-843
How did you know that people living 2000 years or more about have no idea what humour is? People both past and present are also given to all kinds of superstitions and beliefs. Human nature hasn't changed much. But that's digressing, the point I am making is that the Bible writers were not writing fiction or comics, they were recording history or prophecies, or writing letters to churches. There is nothing to suggest they were writing fiction.
The Bible mentioned 40 days and nights of rain, plus fountains of the deep bursting forth, which means vast amounts of water came from under the earth. And don't make the mistake that the mountains today were just as they were in Noah's time. The mountains we see today were the result of the Flood and even today they are still "growing". And who told you the water vanished? The earth is 70% water! The Bible says that mountains rose and valleys sank, so the waters would have receded to where they find lower points. Lastly, judging from the tone of your postings I am pretty sure you would mock and ridicule my answers instead of providing a good rebuttal.
bro, I think river story goes hand in hand with flood story. In chess, you can't checkmate using 1 piece. I am going to use a river story as the second piece to join the dots.
Lot of bible stories were stolen from Egypt, Greece and Babylonian. Like the story of Moses floated down a river in a basket as a baby. It bears remarkable similarities to an old Babylonian myth about a great King called Sargon who was discovered as a baby in a basket in a river. Evidence or at least enough suggestion of plagiarism.
Exodus is mostly from Egyptian tales. The burning bush which burns and burns represents knowledge from Ra. For a clan to wander in the desert for 40 years, there must be evidences left behind. Not surprise, they still cannot find any archaelogical artifact except faith based alluring.
Going to today's knowledge of Earth's natural forces, such volume of water could be from melting of glaciers from the last ice age. Before that, Alaska and Siberia were joined by a land (ice?) mass which today is sea. A warming Earth would've caused glaciers, icebergs to melt, water vapour in the atmosphere to condense and form rain. If such a phenomena did occur, the ancients would attribute such happenings to the works of an angered god. I see it that way. Now, the story of Noah is another chapter.