really dun understand what this Malay Lady was complaining abt. PAP Govt has always been taking care of them Malay, give them cheap education, let them have relax and well paid vocations during NS (ie. Home Team, especially Civil Defence get lot more allowances than SAF)
Last time many SAF vocations were link to education level too. There are many units only take in "A" level and Diploma. (ie, RSAF, RSN, armour and artillery) How many Malay young men get get to this education level? After allocating to the Home Team, not many left so go Infantry lor. Anyway, even after giving chance to Malays, they still can screw up by the numbers. Remember the Malay Major Adam, who was the NDP parade commander that cock up during the firing of rifles.
While i had know some Malays being bitter of being stereotype by the chinese, most can't care less. So if she want to be recogonised as equal to the chinese, then she better work hard to prove that she not a typical Malay. End of the day, as long as she know she had given her best, it no longer important how the chinese view her.