I beg to differ are you insinuating here that the reason why there are fewer malays passing subjects and getting into teritary education is due to racist policies here???? Or due to the fact that more of them simply are not academically inclined or are just simply not interested in scholaristic pursuits???
Maybe we need some kind of affirmiative action put into place like up north???
Anyway any pupil here irregardless of race has to work hard to get good results. Of course there are quite a small minority who get in due to connections but overall u are where u are in this society based on how good ur results are more or less.
Well, if we don't know whether are they scholastically inclined until we give them the avenue to, then when would we know? If they think that all they can be is to be drivers in NS, or in civilian life, as mere office assistants, or as hawkers, or as office cleaners or as unemployed young adults smoking in the void decks, being forgotten, then they will NOT be scholastically inclined, and be motivated to go further.
As it is, there are a few more malays who have gone against type and have progressed beyond expectations. But exceptions are few. Many still finish N-levels and go on to ITE and become lowly workers. They don't feel like they can become medical doctors or computer engineers, because the majority race thinks, and they themselves think that they cannot make it.
But I will put in the case, again of Sen. Obama. When he ran for the democrat nomination for President, many black themselves said that while he was a nice candidate, he wasn't black enough to run. And besides, he's black in the first place, and no white will vote for a black candidate for President. They were already resigning themselves to defeat before a single vote was cast.
However, after Obama won Iowa, and fought successfully against Clinton in South Carolina, blacks began to fall in love, and things changed. When they have a role model who can say that being black means that you can succeed despite the odds, it means a lot. It means that your race cannot be the obstacle to success. It must be of your ability and your talent.
So when the handful of malay professionals cannot go further because of subtly racist ceilings imposed in both public and private sectors, and when the rest of the malays who are resigned to blue collar employment or worse still, unemployment, then they believe that because of the ceilings of race, and doubts of their patriotism, they will not try to go further.
Eventually the malays cannot be happy by being 2nd class citizens. You say that they should be happy because we give them bread and water. But when malays see us and Indians eating something else that's way better than bread and water, won't they be unhappy? Won't they want to immigrate to the Middle East or to Indonesia and Malaysia, or even to Australia or Canada, where they have a bigger chance of succeed?
So when we treat them badly, then that's when even previously ultra-patriotic malay Singaporeans might start of moving on, and moving out. And that has repercussions for all of us, as talented people, and potentially talented people will move out. If they succeed in other countries, those countries benefit from their success. Singapore won't. So chase out people, especially in this era, in your own peril.
Which, btw, is also why I said that in this day and age, we cannot simply just chase out people because of their skin colour. In many centuries ago, governments and societies can do that, because these people would have nowhere to go. They go, they die. But now when immigration is such a huge opportunity to leave and succeed elsewhere, they will go, and they will bring their success and ability somewhere else.
So, eventually, as I said in the old forum, when you suspect all malays of being terrorists- and eventually the whole population of being terrorists, and proceed to prosecute them, you will, through your incessant actions, turn them against you.