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The Workers' Party

[h=2]The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW)[/h]Pam and the fellow youth wing members are busy with the set-up for this evening's event. Follow us on Instagram at @wpyouthwing


The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW)

After games and a sumptuous dinner, residents of the home are sitting down for a series of performances. Everyone's in the festive mood, enjoying themselves. A good way to round off the weekend!


The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW)

Spreading the Christmas joy to the residents of MINDSVille. Thanks everyone!

Daniel PS Goh

A couple of friends asked me about the upcoming GE, because of all the buzz that a double-barrelled "deadly serious" adjective generated over the weekend.

Didn't know how to reply, because my mind was with my WP Youth Wingers and friends, over two dozen of them, who organised an awesome Christmas party for residents at MINDSVille.

I couldn't be with them and was vicariously enjoying the fun, warmth and love through the live-feed photos on Instagram. My favourite pic attached.

Coming back to Singapore this week. The Youth Wingers have been great, organising two events in four months to warm up for 2015; I merely facilitated through skype, whatsapp and email.

We are gearing up for a series of events next year, and I am looking forward to realising our vision, to "explore, experience, embrace democratic politics", whether GE happens or not in 2015.


[h=2]The Workers' Party[/h]
[h=5]The Workers' Party shared The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW)'s photo.
[/h]<a class="_5pcq" href="https://www.facebook.com/workersparty/posts/994837453866171"><abbr title="Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 6:29pm" data-utime="1418120984" data-shorten="1" class="_5ptz timestamp livetimestamp">1 hr</abbr> ·

We have enjoyed several performances put up by the residents of MINDS (Movement for the Intellectually Disabled) at our grassroots events. To show our appreciation and celebrate Christmas, the WPYW organised games and performances of their own at MINDSVille. Hope the residents had as much fun as we did!
Follow The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW) to check out more of their events and activities.

The Workers' Party Youth Wing (WPYW)

Spreading the Christmas joy to the residents of MINDSVille. Thanks everyone!
Chen Jiaxi Bernard

WP calls for a mandate to build a First World Parliament in 2011. PAP asks for a blank cheque to govern without any restrain in 2016.
Chen Jiaxi Bernard

有时我在想,为什么我的国家只有 “黑白讲” 式 的言论,不是你胜就是我亡。执政党把政治形容成打打杀杀。难道这是这个国家的政治愿景吗?这也许是我国年经一代对政治距离远之的最根本原因。年轻人看不 出,听不出政治的希望,整天不是斗争,就是妖魔化反对。一个自称是能够团结国人的执政党,其实是分化这个国家的罪魁祸首。尊敬的总理先生,您所要呈现的白 色力量占满愤世嫉俗的政治文化。人民行动党还在1959年打转。尊敬的总理先生, 你把2011年大选后形容成 “新常态”,但是你还是执迷不悟,继续使用1959年的视角来认识2014年的新加坡。新加坡在接下来的发展不需要斗争式政治,新加坡需要的是 “大量政治”。尊敬的总理先生,请你拿出一点大量来,不要每天打打杀杀。行动党可以输,但新加坡这个伟业输不得。尊敬的总理先生,请你拿出你的智慧来,以 大量来领导这个国家。
Chen Jiaxi Bernard


一眼望去, 工人党是个亲新加坡, 可信又可靠的政党。 它也是一个具有57年历史的组织。可是,对我来说工人党在很多层<wbr>次上代表了一个决心改造以利为本的资本社会, 建立一个公正, 正直, 公平的新加坡。这个观点好像有着浓浓的社会主义色彩。但是很多人<wbr>难免忽略了重要的一点;社会主义的根本是民主主义。社会主义和民<wbr>主主义并不是政治理念的两个极端。相反的,一个民主的社会也是一<wbr>个以民为本的社会。

工 人党坚信政治公职必须通过竞争来寻求人民的委托。 由于人民是一切权力的基础, 因此人民必须拥有实际的权力,能通过选举选出代表; 同时在选举过程中参与塑造和建设国家的决策。以这为根本, 国会选举应当废除集选区制度。 这是因为集选区制度削弱了个别选民的代表权。集选区制度对于政治<wbr>竞争来说是个绊脚石。国会选举应以单个议席的选区制度举行, 鼓励与提倡全民最大程度的参与和讨论。主权在民。

工人党也坚信一切发展都必须朝向建立一个以人为本的公民社会。 资本社会的残酷经济竞争和政治上的交易却往往和以人为本的目标背<wbr>道而驰。采纳自由市场经济体系的后果是收入的悬殊。工人党不但寻<wbr>求建立一个互相关怀的社会, 还提倡每一个人都应该获得平等的对待。建立强大的社区是政府应尽<wbr>的责任,而不是对国民的“恩惠”或“善举”。

新加坡必须建立一个需要为基础,不附带任何先决条件的社会福利安<wbr>全网, 以确保没有一个新加坡人不会陷于无助的困境。虽然建立一<wbr>个社会福利安全网需要增加人力和资源去维持,但国民不应该因为无<wbr>法负担而被剖夺所需。在经济萧条的时刻,当国民失去了工作,工人<wbr>党深信失业人士在某种程度上应获得协助。最终,建立一个强大和具<wbr>有活力的社区能够强化我们的社会结构,促进社会的凝聚力,与此同<wbr>时也建立对国家的归属感。社区组织必须超越党派政治而且鼓励居民<wbr>为社区邻里服务,使有能力的人士自然成为社区领袖。这比任何培养<wbr>下一代领袖而设立的基金更为有效。主权在民。

所以要建立一个以人为本的公民社会,政府在制定和落实政策时就必<wbr>须遵循多元性, 多文化, 相互尊重, 捍卫他人尊严, 包容以及机会平等的基本原则。工人党会以理性的信念赢得国民的尊<wbr>敬,希望能摆脱过去街头抗争式的印象外衣,走大格局路线。这显然<wbr>是长远经营,把希望交托在每个国民的身上。主权在民。

工人党党宪法所拟定的其中一个指导原则在于建立一个议会民主制度<wbr>。在一个议会民主的政治体系里, 所有公民都拥有投选议会代表以及政府的`权力。然而,人民行动党<wbr>政府一贯操弄我们的政治结构以及行程程序, 已将民众向它问责的机会减至最低。 首先,官委议员制应该废除。因为在没有人民授权的情况下,不应赋<wbr>予任何人立法的权力。第二, 为了使国会拥有更多广泛的民意基础, 新加坡应该探讨和考虑采纳比例代表制。 我个人也认为新加坡应该把合格选举年龄从现有的21 岁调低至18岁。如果说,一名18岁的少年被断定能持枪捍卫国土<wbr>,他为何在现有的宪法下被剥夺了决定国家大事的权力呢?给予每个<wbr>18岁青年那神圣的权力将会是新加坡往后政治,经济与社会发展的<wbr>一支强心针。

新加坡人必须了解这一个事实。 一个民选政府是在政治竞争的环境下产生的。良好的政治竞争迫切需<wbr>要执政党与反对党在多个层次上互相切磋, 实实在在地讨论国家的前景与未来。选民也必须了解只有他们的选票<wbr>才能建立一个强有力的反对党 – 监督政府, 制衡执政当局。在维护我国的民主程序上,每个公民扮演着举足轻重<wbr>的角色。 也只有良好的民主程序才能构成井然有序的政治轮替, 确保新加坡能持续发展与进步。

政治并不单是定期举行选举, 它是一个持续不断的动态进程。 政治上的竞争为人民带来更好的服务; 它也让政府更能体恤民间的需要, 更好地对民意做出回应。所以,你必须明白一个简单的道理 - 你有权力改变你的未来!

我要在这里强调一点。 我并没有加入一个为了反对而反对的政党。 我深信国家的利益必须超越任何一个党派的自身利益。所以,如果执<wbr>政党的施政方案利国惠民, 我将会给予政府我的支持。 同样的,如果政策有损国家与人民的利益, 我必定毫不犹豫地提出建设性的提议, 加以反对。我并一个反政府的激进分子。 我只是想尽力为我的国家出一点绵力,履行我的公民责任。

[h=2]The Workers' Party[/h]
Chairman of AHPETC Sylvia Lim responds to Minister Lawrence Wong, thanking him and the PAP ministers "for repeatedly reminding Singaporeans of the issues that are close to our heart", and explains AHPETC's statements to the public in detail.

[h=2]The Workers' Party[/h]Chairman of AHPETC Sylvia Lim responds to MOS Desmond Lee, saying, "It is instructive to note the various positions taken by the PAP. When we said that we would explain to the public the S&CC arrears in due course, this was sarcastically labelled “the sound of silence”. When we explained to the public the circumstances why AHPETC was unable to submit the S&CC arrears report in the format demanded and that MND had refused to accept our S&CC arrears submission in our own data format, this was labelled as making excuses."
She reiterated the AHPETC's commitment to their residents, and assured that they will respond to the public in due course.

PAP Concedes Accountability and Transparency Accusation a Non-Starter (Media Release - 12...
I refer to the statement by Minister of State (MOS) for National Development Desmond Lee published in...
Joe Teo C C B:
November 13, 2014 at 12:40 am (Quote)

50 years of lessons we get from PAP teaches us one thing.
That is, SG should never rely on just 1 party.
If WP becomes ruling party, its very likely that they will become another PAP. Just look at how stubborn WP is now. It does not even entertain the opposition supporters who invited them to attend protests as peaceful attendees.
They made very bold claim to be the co-driver who slaps the driver.
LTK freezes.
What credibility does WP have other than ability to give rhetorics?
Its very easy to talk rhetorics. Any dick can do that.
Just say what the people want to hear.
WP also has been distancing from other opposition.
Even when its not a ruling party it is already so snobbish .
I think they placed their party interest above ours.
WP is still useful. But I have to be honest and not anyhow make claims like WP.
WP has not lived up to what it promised.
WP is not the solution. Its only a calafaire. A Wayang.
It does not have the courage to speak up on some of the main issues.
I do not expect WP can lead successfully as a ruling party. It does not have the right DNA.
To prevent another PAP, we need MULTI-PARTY VIEWS and Opposition Alliance. We need a mature 2 party system.


what has Low thia piak proven ? he can only be heard in funerals, in parliament he can stat a sub committee and head the
“Silence and obedience in pariliament membership forum” he is the most most most well behaved ops! opposition in the history of Singapore..
Yet most can consider he the better than JBJ and David Marshall and CST.
sUPPOSE WE gather Low entire work and weight, it wont event be equal to the coughs of those ex opposition .
Paid to be silent and obedient .


November 5, 2014 at 11:26 am (Quote)
Why should WP MPs risk their comfortable 15k/month salary and stir shit in Parliament ?
They get paid for saying and doing nothing which is a better deal than opposing the PAP.
However come 2016, these wayang MPs will emerge from their hibernation and start to stir some shit. Just wait and see.

================================================== ====

WP just like an idiot...:
November 5, 2014 at 3:28 pm (Quote)

Forget about WP, LTK best friend of LKY, no balls MP. He has been in parliament 20 over years what has he done? LHL loves him so much because WP only WAYANG and roar like a lion only in GE rally. The whole party is like a church mouse, anyone will think the WP is PAP. Do not put your hope on WP, already shown after all these years they are not a good opposition, they are happy to collect $16000 salary and be a seat warmer. Vote SDP, SFP or KJ.

================================================== ===

Wayang Party:
November 5, 2014 at 4:38 pm (Quote)

WP is Wayang Party – once in a while perform some “heated argument” with PAP members to con the voters that they are against PAP/PAP policies.
Pay attention and watch their performance, any fool can see that they are a secret branch of the PAP. Just wayang to fool voters.
Remember what LTK said? …… PAP will rule for another 50 years.
Which genuine oppo member would say this? When he said this, he seemed to be quite pleased about it.
All genuine oppo parties would certainly aim to take over the govt if possible – only WP expects & quite happy that PAP will rule for another 50 years….. ANOTHER 50 years ! It has to be pro-PAP for him to conceive in his mind !


WP is weak:
November 5, 2014 at 8:14 pm (Quote)

Sad to say WP is a very weak opposition. Against the PAP in Parliament u cant just sit there and talk. WP got to stand up and challenge the issues that are posing problems for Singaporeans in a much stronger way. WP should show they are there in the Parliament and they are worth to be counted. When JBJ was in Parliament , PAP would shiver. JBJ would ask questions on PAP’s policies and PAP wouldn’t be able to answer it. JBJ was one man. But he was intelligent and smart. He asked all the right questions. He asked probing question. But in this WP they don’t have anyone of such caliber.
Chen Jiaxi Bernard

Back to his regular routine around the grassroots. Tonight he visited the food centre at Block 511, Bedok North Street 3, a day after returning from a 3D2N Sekinchan/KL tour with his residents.

Chen Jiaxi Bernard

I was moved almost to tears by a 84 years old Kaki Bukit resident. Mr. A's (not his real identity) 79 years old wife passed away suddenly last night. His nine children were so worried about him that they moved the wake to Tampines, to keep a lookout on him. As the wake was not within MP Faisal's division, Mr. A was worried that Faisal would miss the wake. So he came down specially to the town council to inform Faisal about the passing of his wife, so that we can pay our last respects to his wife. Faisal and I visited the wake a while ago and through speaking to Mr. A, we understand that he had suffered a stroke two years back and had difficulties moving around and in order to convey his request, he instructed his son to drive him to the town council at Block 549, Bedok North Avenue 1 earlier this morning, just to leave Faisal a note.

Throughout our conversation with him, he was crying and crying, wiping away tears at every instance. I left the wake touched by him for making the effort to inform us about the passing of his late wife, despite his health condition. His sons and daughters told us that he very much wanted us to go down to the wake at Tampines. I was also touched by Mr. A's steadfast love for his late wife. If I sat for another half an hour, I probably would tear alongside him. He went the extra mile for his late wife. I was glad that MP Faisal and I could bring some comfort in this grieving time for Mr. A.

[h=5]Chen Jiaxi Bernard

Look forward to reading a negative forum letter on the town council tomorrow in the Straits Times. Must balance out today's letter.

Chen Jiaxi Bernard

Written by a resident. Not a WP member or a grassroots volunteer.
Thank you Ms. Hong for writing this short letter. It means a lot to the many volunteers who had invested their time and energies at the local grassroots level to ensure that all is well. As you have rightly pointed out, "local issues matter, and the WP's track record speaks for itself."

WP's track record speaks for itself

While some parts of Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong's article ("WP town council and the sound of silence"; Wednesday) are well-written and persuasive, they do not represent a ground-level view of what is really happening in...

[h=5]Chen Jiaxi Bernard[/h]Welcome to Kaki Bukit division, Aljunied GRC. Every mid-afternoon, after businesses at the market at Block 538, Bedok North Street 3 had been completed for the day, the Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council ensures that the area is swept, washed and free from litters to reduce the possibility of pests infesting the market. Stallholders themselves have also been doing their part to ensure that their own respective stalls are kept clean before returning home for the day. A job well done! Thank you, AHPETC.


Welcome to Kaki Bukit division, Aljunied GRC. Every mid-afternoon, after businesses at the market at Block 538, Bedok North Street 3 had been completed for the day, the Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council ensures that the area is swept, washed and free from litters to reduce the possibility of pests infesting the market. Stallholders themselves have also been doing their part to ensure that their own respective stalls are kept clean before returning home for the day. A job well done! Thank you, AHPETC.

Welcome to Kaki Bukit division, Aljunied GRC. Every mid-afternoon, after businesses at the market at Block 538, Bedok North Street 3 had been completed for the day, the Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council ensures that the area is swept, washed and free from litters to reduce the possibility of pests infesting the market. Stallholders themselves have also been doing their part to ensure that their own respective stalls are kept clean before returning home for the day. A job well done! Thank you, AHPETC.
