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The problem with Singapore's Education system


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My Indonesian brothers are as indigenous as myself as we are all of the same Malay stock in the archipelago.

The various islands had completely different culture and governments.

We were separated by the dutch and the British with artificial borders.

If not for the Dutch and the British, there is no jiuhu nor indon. Both of which are modern countries formed by the joining of various small kingdoms.

Before they came, from aceh to patanni to manila to west Papua to java, we the nusantara don't see each other as pendatangs but sons of the soil.

No such country called nusantara. And the people of Papua are ethnically differently. You seem to support occupation of other people's land in Papua as long as the occupying forces share your muud race and mohameddan religion. I don't suppose you will support a rapist raping your mother, as long as the rapist shared your race and religion.

Just like Chinese from Jilin and fujian are of the same stock.

You should ask them if they think they are of the same stock.


There is. You are trying to update your religion again.

There is not. you are inventing things as your ang moh kia priests penetrated your arse day and night, part of your hallucination process perhaps, where you get off ang moh cum inside your @nus.

Clearly not. Most of the world do not like the arab culture.
Most of the world don't even know stinkypura and those who do, universally revile stinkypura. Just ask the ASEAN countries. We don't see turd world sh*thole ASEAN sh*ttyzens making a beeline to move to stinkypura. Worse yet, PAP-piglets only permit kafir immigrants, which means even tiongs don't want to move to stinkypura, resulting in overflow of CECA virus, pinoy noy, viets and other turd world sh*thole dwellers overcrowding already overcrowded stinkypura.

Then you have to drink your own pee and poo, called NEWater. Quite an experience.

Fucking kids and kidnapping people for slavery certainly is a poor example for humanity. Your muhammad sucks as an example for humanity.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest human being and prophet ever.

it's natural, that as a faggot who takes it up the arse and who was sodomized by your ang moh kia priests and pastors, the very first idea that popped in your head was the idea of getting sodomized. You might need to consult a shrink for that purpose. I can't heal your psychological wound, I can't heal your physical wound either. Your @nus may need to be fixed by some ang moh physician, i'm not sure if you'd be dreading or salivating at that prospect either.

You should fuck off back to arabia, the place where your mohameddan religion was invented.

There is nothing called Mohammed religion.

Islam is a universal religion.

If you don't like it, back to tiongkok or CECA for you.

ASEAN has no place for CECA or tiongs.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest human being and prophet ever.

A guy who fucked a kid, who had a man beaten to death for interrogation about where he hid his money, who led bandits to raid caravans, who killed people who criticized him, is your idea of the greatest human being ever and a prophet???

Are you fucking high or an idiot sandwich?


There is nothing called Mohammed religion.

Islam is a universal religion.

If you don't like it, back to tiongkok or CECA for you.

ASEAN has no place for CECA or tiongs.

Your arabic mohameddan religion is not native to ASEAN. When people come to ASEAN, they want to see native culture like in Bali, Bangkok or Penang. Nobody comes to see the arabic crap.

Your arabic mohameddan religion should fuck off back to arabia.


A guy who fucked a kid, who had a man beaten to death for interrogation about where he hid his money, who led bandits to raid caravans, who killed people who criticized him, is your idea of the greatest human being ever and a prophet???

Are you fucking high or an idiot sandwich?

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Your arabic mohameddan religion is not native to ASEAN. When people come to ASEAN, they want to see native culture like in Bali, Bangkok or Penang. Nobody comes to see the arabic crap.

Your arabic mohameddan religion should fuck off back to arabia.

WTF is idiot sandwich?

are you another of those stupid bots spawned after your @rse was royally creamed by ang moh kia pastors and priests numerous times in their churches?


does your @rse hurt each time after every penetration as much as they did when they were penetrated?

do you need to see a physician every time after taking it up the arse?

when people visit ASEAN they are tourists.

tourists can f@rk off back to their homelands if they dun like ASEAN.

ASEAN is only for asean natives.

not for tiongs or ceca.

if you are a chink or a ceca, fuck off back to tiongkok or ceca.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Singapore has a failed edu system.
After 3 decades still cannot produce talents with credible qualifications and rely on FT for top notch profession


You're an idiot sandwich.

WTF is an idiot sandwich?

Sounds worse than chink moon cake or pork trotter or bat soup.

Must be how many times your ang moh pastors and priests creamed your @rse upon penetrating them.

Does your @rse still hurt whenever you try to sit? Do your ang moh masters ever relent from f@rking your @rse?

Your other muuds don't think so. They like tourism dollars.

Brunei doesn't rely on tourists.

Malaysia - most "tourists" are peasant stinkies hopping across the border taking advantage of exchange rate.
Indon - receive fewer "tourists" than stinkypura or malaysia.

none of them actually rely on tourists.

The only real tourist magnet in asean is thailand. and that's where angmohs go to deflower children.

you had your own personal experience in mind when you said they all love tourist dollars and don't think like I do.

You have a love for taking it up the arse. Ever since your @rse was deflowered, by your ang moh pastors and priests, you have come to love it. Stockholm syndrome you might call it. it's got nothing to do with anything else.

As a slanty kafir chink faggot who has had his @rse penetrated thousands of times by ang mohs, you are in no position to speak for ASEAN member states. Off you go to Tiongkok/CECA.

ASEAN is not for those who suck arab dick.

Plenty of chinks have done so. plenty of ceca have done so.

Dubai is filled with chink pinoy ceca euro american and many more whores and harlots.

I know you have a fetish for taking it up the arse rather. Monkeypox and such diseases might spread due to your habits. You might even develop incontinence.


you are a ceca --- black man/woman/ah gua/whatever

batting for yellow slanties?
It doesn't matter who you are ... credit must be recognized when credit is due. Tomorrow if the Arabs are able to show potential to be leader, I will still give credit. I am just stating FACTS.

On the hindsight, the Arabs still have no potential at the moment. They will still remain backwards and tribal based on all statistics and facts at present. The only places that will lead the world in the foreseeable future is the WEST and the EAST. Forget about the REST.

Race and IQ


It doesn't matter who you are ... credit must be recognized when credit is due. Tomorrow if the Arabs are able to show potential to be leader, I will still give credit. I am just stating FACTS.

On the hindsight, the Arabs still have no potential at the moment. They will still remain backwards and tribal based on all statistics and facts at present. The only places that will lead the world in the foreseeable future is the WEST and the EAST. Forget about the REST.

Race and IQ
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You are a black CECA batting for the yellow slanties who drive you away due to your smell if not anything else.

CECA got no potential, I agree with that.

Arabs mixed with niggers, that lowered their IQ and other traits required for development and intelligence, looking at a map it becomes clear that turkey iran caucasus afghanistan were spared negro admixture. that saved them, to an extent. both afghanistan and caucasus of coz suffered from numerous wars (in chechnya dagestan etc that were invaded and oppressed by kafir russkies)

japs gooks taiwanese havent been able to change anything globally. in their own region, they are dominated - DOMINATED - by a single foreign country, yanks.

copycat slanties possess low potential.

for all the hype, tiongkok with 1400 million tiongs can't even defeat crush obliterate decimate eliminate obliviate massacre brutalize pulverize CECA virus at all.

This is a feat without any parallel in the history of humanity. Nobody else has suffered this ignominy. Never before has any country or political unit failed to defeat, crush, obliterate, eliminate, subjugate, decimate a smaller CECA country.



didn't know hongkies taiwanese gooks also won these awards?

stinky coolie gene peasants really incompetent.

among their fellow slanties, still lose out

coolie genes really are coolie genes


when did these slanties begin to churn out nobel laureates?

or some scams again?


Sadden me to see another example of why the social sciences have been labelled as pseudoscience.
Just one example will suffice-it does not make sense to compare intelligence by countries unless they are all like Japan ,mainly homogenous .
To compare a city like Singapore with around 6 million inhabitants with China with more than 1 billion is ridiculous-as China has 56 ethnic groups and we all know rural people with low education will fare badly in academic test.
Its better ro compare by race/ ethnicity but these pseudo scientist will be accused of racism so its safer and politically correct to compare by countries-besides it may not be easy to collect data based on race .

these are bogus excuses

if tiongs don't want these comparisons, then give up east turkestan tibet qinghai guangxi inner mongolia etc etc

what will tiongs be left with then?

is it hunan? or hubei? where are our resident chink tiong experts ? @tanwahtiu @zhihau and other slanties, what is the core original Central Plains of tiongs?

which province or region?

Sian of Loon

New Member
only the shithead 60% frog in a well believes their singapore education system is at the top of the world. Look at their ceca masters trained to talk and ape the west , conquer countries and play politics since their preteen school days. This should be the way. Stupid Lee education system is a top failure in the world