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The problem with Singapore's Education system


Dynasty's only concerned that each yr the Army produced SAF scholars.

they don't have brains.
neither do stinkies.

in any case, these awards are subjective. based on opinions.

as an example, iranian cabinet in nobel prizes is still empty, and it was empty in fields medal, but then suddenly two iranians were awarded fields medals

one was an iranian woman, who married a kafir ang moh kia.

another was an iranian kurd, i.e. same kurds who were glorified by ang moh kia as stalwart against ISIS, as "seculars", as defenders of womens rights and other BS.

in same way, depending on flavour of the month/year, they select some tiong, some ceca (more numerous), some japs, some gayropean, or some foreigners or local in yankee territory. got nothing to do with talent or actual work.

the whole idea is nonsensical to begin with.

there is nothing scientifically correct, logically correct, rational about letting some ppl decide, based on their opinions, who deserves such and such award.

it's a subjective award.

same as deciding who is the best actor, best martial artist, best director, best fight choreographer, best cinematographer, etc etc

based on subjective opinions.

nothing sacrosanct abt these opinions. or abt disagreeing with these opinions.

syed putra

I've said it a long time ago ..SG will never produce and locally bred Nobel until the day PAP is removed.
PAP tried to pinch some. Remember, dolly the sheep? The research environment and infrastructure is just not available even if you pay them much more and gave millions in their research funds. 8n europe znd US, every universities were provided with research funds and facilities which then acts as a network gor the rest. If discoveries were made, it was discussed with their peer group first.
Our universitues are more graduate production units. Created to lead a life of servitude to employers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
where the fuck is cecadia on the list? if cecadia is not among the top 25 it means the list is meaningless as cecas contribute to the majority of higher pay tech and i.t. hires in major cities around the world including sf and sg.


where the fuck is cecadia on the list? if cecadia is not among the top 25 it means the list is meaningless as cecas contribute to the majority of higher pay tech and i.t. hires in major cities around the world including sf and sg.

it means either sth is seriously wrong with this ranking & methodology


the way sf sg and many o thers operate is seriously misguided and these places are set for major declines in coming years (this is very likely)

or maybe both are true


Many people have a misconception about IQ. IQ is the ability for an individual to solve problem at any given situation and time.

Many school of thoughts mention about Asian route learning so they lacks innovation blah blah blah. I am not sure if this theory applies to Korea or Japan as they have similar "route learning education". In fact they are leaders in some scientific fields.

Nobel prizes and Scientific achievements are all about money and population. Firstly, you need plenty of money for R&D. Secondly, you need demand to justify your research.

Korea and Japan could not dominate the world because of their population size and not because lack of innovation. Example, Korea is able to create a stealth fighter ... but who is buying? It does not make economic sense as R&D does not justify cost. Yellow men will always be a yellow men, the West will not recognize you as a peer. -Just like brown men. On the Hindsight, China has both brains and size ... out come may be different.

Race and IQ


there. i corrected it for you.

plenty of stinkies have lived, studied, worked, migrated abroad, to ang moh kia and other countries.

they can win any prize they want over there. what's stopping them there?

Your brutally honest and factual. I know that's true but I prefer to lead them on...

Byebye Penis

If I ever have the chance to speak to a graduating cohort (if they are willing to listen), I want to tell them that by my age, I realized that grades are not important.

Must study hard, apply what you learn, but grades are not important. Most important must be willing to work hard and roll up your sleeves. The top students from my class, are not the richest now.

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syed putra

where the fuck is cecadia on the list? if cecadia is not among the top 25 it means the list is meaningless as cecas contribute to the majority of higher pay tech and i.t. hires in major cities around the world including sf and sg.
Ceca's controbutions were befotr Alfred Nobel existed.


Many people have a misconception about IQ. IQ is the ability for an individual to solve problem at any given situation and time.

Many school of thoughts mention about Asian route learning so they lacks innovation blah blah blah. I am not sure if this theory applies to Korea or Japan as they have similar "route learning education". In fact they are leaders in some scientific fields.

Nobel prizes and Scientific achievements are all about money and population. Firstly, you need plenty of money for R&D. Secondly, you need demand to justify your research.

Korea and Japan could not dominate the world because of their population size and not because lack of innovation. Example, Korea is able to create a stealth fighter ... but who is buying? It does not make economic sense as R&D does not justify cost. Yellow men will always be a yellow men, the West will not recognize you as a peer. -Just like brown men. On the Hindsight, China has both brains and size ... out come may be different.

Race and IQ
View attachment 156074

you are a ceca --- black man/woman/ah gua/whatever

batting for yellow slanties?

1. first of all, gooks never created any stealth fighter, at best it's classified as "4.5 gen" fighter, like rafale or euro typhoon.

2. all the hardwork, the hard yards done by ang moh kia. lockheed martin was design consultant. all critical parts from aesa radar to engine, to ejection seat and what not sourced from abroad.

3. it's not even inducted into gook service yet, let alone proven in combat, in fact, gooks due to hype and media machine - sth they may have learned from their yankee protectors - have already sold an outsized number of weapons to various turd world countries.

4. population wise, japs gooks taiwanese number 200 million or thereabout. that's more than german+french+poms combined.

exactly which scientific field is jap and/or gook global leader in?

usually slanties are only good at copycat behaviour and no more. and it's true for all slanties, nothing to do with bias or politics.

chopstick races can't even copy well as much as they want

they are barren deserts when it comes to novel original ideas, that much is also true and has remained true

this is precisely why in more than 30 years japs haven't been able to get out of the rut caused by plaza accords

to put it in context, 30 years is how long it took to transform peasantpore stinkypura from a turd world sh*thole to a self-proclaimed "first-world" sh*thole, a sh*thole nonetheless but a more pleasant one perhaps. at least by pap-piglets own methods of measurements.

nonetheless it's true that no other country in last 200 years, including in stinkypura itself (after change of guards) has this experiment succeeded, has this experience been repeated. nowhere since the dawn of industrial revolution has any country been able to transform so rapidly, in the span of merely 30 years, from a backward turd world sh*thole to an advanced country able to do complicated tasks. in stinkypura itself - under new regime/leadership - the project has faltered as the thread "crumbling of stinkypura" shows very well.

in more than 30 years now since the plaza accords, japs can't even extract themselves from the rut

in more than 40 years since opening up, more than 70 years since founding of PRC, tiongs with their infamous chhhhyyyyynnnnaaaa speeeeed (never ending speeeeed) can't even surpass in aggregate a much smaller (4x smaller, 4x less populous) yankee territory in all things that matter incl military might.

heck lousy tiongkok with 1400 million ppl, more than any other continent outside asia, more than any other country on the planet, more than all western countries combined still can't surpass global leaders in ic design and manufacture. that's 20 years after stinkyporean chartered semi transfered advanced logic process tech to tiong SMIC. shame on tiongkok! so much for chhhhhhyyyyyynnnnnaaaa sppppppeeeeeed! :biggrin:

let's not even talk about military. tiongs got their noses rubbed in the dirty. with so many yankee politicians visiting taiwan regularly, it's as good as visiting beijing or shanghai without cpc able to do anything abt them :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

lousy stinkypura, infamous as a money laundering and tax evasion hub, even at that stage of development (where it's primary role is a money laundering and tax evasion hub) still could deliver/produce the world's largest SSCV ever, displacing over 273k tonnes, with ease.

by right, tiongs focused on manufacturing and as supposedly the world's factory should have been able to launch 273k tonnes X 240 = 65.520 million tonnes worth of warships each year? at least on a given year?

just to try to match stinkypura - by now a full fledged money laundering tax evasion human trafficking hub - in per capita terms?

but it's nowhere near. this is the incredible chhhhhyyyyyyynnnnaaaaa spppppeeeeed.


can there be any doubt that slanties are inferior?

why do slanties need ang moh kia approval anyway?

if ang moh kia are genetically and intellectually inferior, why would slanties need ang moh approval? sounds like excuses, sore losers' excuses.

do human beings need excuses to justify why human beings are failures, why human beings can't outperform insects, animals, birds, plants or other living beings? human beings are superior ergo human beings dominate.

slanties are inferior

theory of race, iq and inventiveness explains it well enough

copycat slanties can't even copy well enough.

and that's all they are good at, copying. imitation.

they can't even do that well enough.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Indonesia Malaysia Stinkypura Brunei Philippines all part of ASEAN

chinks & ah nehs are not part of asean

fuck off back to tiongkok

or ceca

Singapore is part of ASEAN. Your mohameddan religion is not part of ASEAN. Fuck off back to arabia.


Singapore is part of ASEAN. Your mohameddan religion is not part of ASEAN. Fuck off back to arabia.

There is nothing called Mohammed religion.

Islam is a universal religion, it's for all of humanity and till end times.

Don't like it then move back to tiongkok or CECA.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
There is nothing called Mohammed religion.

There is. You are trying to update your religion again.

Islam is a universal religion, it's for all of humanity and till end times.

Clearly not. Most of the world do not like the arab culture.

Fucking kids and kidnapping people for slavery certainly is a poor example for humanity. Your muhammad sucks as an example for humanity.

Don't like it then move back to tiongkok or CECA.

You should fuck off back to arabia, the place where your mohameddan religion was invented.


You're not indigenous either. Fuck back to indonesia.
My Indonesian brothers are as indigenous as myself as we are all of the same Malay stock in the archipelago.
We were separated by the dutch and the British with artificial borders.
Before they came, from aceh to patanni to manila to west Papua to java, we the nusantara don't see each other as pendatangs but sons of the soil.
Just like Chinese from Jilin and fujian are of the same stock.
Thank you for the opportunity to educate.