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The problem with Singapore's Education system

Byebye Penis



Unfortunately there are no bell prize for taxation, jobs creation and proper gander else we are first in every category. :cool:
I'm surprised France is only 1 position higher than Sinkapor. Ah Tiong land don't deserves to be in 3rd, bunch of copy cats...
HK above Germany? Must be joking!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Asian educational system is totally fucked-up. It's all about memorizing without understanding.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sadden me to see another example of why the social sciences have been labelled as pseudoscience.
Just one example will suffice-it does not make sense to compare intelligence by countries unless they are all like Japan ,mainly homogenous .
To compare a city like Singapore with around 6 million inhabitants with China with more than 1 billion is ridiculous-as China has 56 ethnic groups and we all know rural people with low education will fare badly in academic test.
Its better ro compare by race/ ethnicity but these pseudo scientist will be accused of racism so its safer and politically correct to compare by countries-besides it may not be easy to collect data based on race .
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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I've said it a long time ago ..SG will never produce and locally bred Nobel until the day PAP is removed.

Your beloved jiuhu also didn't produce Nobel prize. Don't see you wanting to remove UMNO, PAS or their racist policies.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Innovation and creativity cannot thrive in a totalitarian shithole.

If you cannot say fuck you to the govt and the govt meekly replies 'thank you sir' or 'thank you ma'am', forget about it.

Also, IQ is nothing. Broadly speaking, it's pattern recognition and memory work. Similar to chess.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Because PAP is a non indegenous racist party.

And yet, PAP never barred muuds from studying in the local universities if their results were good enough.

In jiuhu, UMNO and its racist policies held back nearly all non-bumi students 1 extra year in school and still banned most of them from studying in local universities even if they had much better grades than the retarded muud students.

Your sense of right and wrong is based entirely on your islamic religion and muud race. As long as it is your moslems and muuds doing the discrimination, it's all right with you.


And yet, PAP never barred muuds from studying in the local universities if their results were good enough.

In jiuhu, UMNO and its racist policies held back nearly all non-bumi students 1 extra year in school and still banned most of them from studying in local universities even if they had much better grades than the retarded muud students.

Your sense of right and wrong is based entirely on your islamic religion and muud race. As long as it is your moslems and muuds doing the discrimination, it's all right with you.
Bunch of idiots worshipping an idiot who screws a 9yr old girl.. Barbaric!


And yet, PAP never barred muuds from studying in the local universities if their results were good enough.

Oh you've never heard there is that silent quota? Also PSLE top performers are rigged too?

In jiuhu, UMNO and its racist policies held back nearly all non-bumi students 1 extra year in school and still banned most of them from studying in local universities even if they had much better grades than the retarded muud students.
That's because none of the can speak nor write in Bahasa Malaysia the national language. An essential skill for undergraduates in MY. It's as if you admit idiots into uni.

Your sense of right and wrong is based entirely on your islamic religion and muud race. As long as it is your moslems and muuds doing the discrimination, it's all right with you.
Wrong again. If they were to migrate and setup their own culture in another place, then demand they be equal to the original people there, I too will object to their discriminations.


I've said it a long time ago ..SG will never produce and locally bred Nobel until the day PAP is removed.

there. i corrected it for you.

plenty of stinkies have lived, studied, worked, migrated abroad, to ang moh kia and other countries.

they can win any prize they want over there. what's stopping them there?


Oh you've never heard there is that silent quota? Also PSLE top performers are rigged too?

That's because none of the can speak nor write in Bahasa Malaysia the national language. An essential skill for undergraduates in MY. It's as if you admit idiots into uni.

Wrong again. If they were to migrate and setup their own culture in another place, then demand they be equal to the original people there, I too will object to their discriminations.

the audacity of these kafir pendatangs while sitting in Malay peninsula as kafir pendatang to demand that they be granted more privileges than the native melayun!

we all know very well how they react to a minor stream of ceca immigrants, not to mention pap-piglets have always been discriminatory against Muslims of all kinds, from everywhere, to this day and starting from old fart's days.

yet they have the gall to accuse melayun of discrimnation while numbering over 10 million in malayan peninsula and surviving all due to the inexplicably high tolerance and generosity of the native melayu who could have stifled, choked off, killed, invaded, evicted them decades ago.

heck during recent mco, if malaysia had stopped all traffic incl trucks carrying essential goods to stinkypura, it would have mati oredi.

what a load of nonsense this coolie gene disgusting lying thieving cheating fraudster chinks been spouting day and night.


Innovation and creativity cannot thrive in a totalitarian shithole.


If you cannot say fuck you to the govt and the govt meekly replies 'thank you sir' or 'thank you ma'am', forget about it.

One has nothing to do with the other.

Stinkies living abroad, or those who've severed all ties to stinkypura, can do so to their heart's content. Haven't heard them winning these awards some morons hold in extremely high esteem. These awards, by the way, are subjective awards. Matter of opinions of some ppl, who happen to be chosen arbitrarily of course. Which means certain countries exercise a lot of political influence in these decisions.

Which means there is nothing scientifically, logically, mathetically sound or rational or respectworthy about them. Each person might have an opinion, some of them might have more than one depending on the time of the day or some other variable.

Also, IQ is nothing. Broadly speaking, it's pattern recognition and memory work. Similar to chess.

IQ is hardly similar to chess.

Most ppl don't know what IQ is, i.e. most people don't know what intelligence is. It might be that no human being knows what intelligence is.

Incl psychologists.

Just that informally, a lot of ppl got some idea that some animals such as humans are more intelligent than the rest, and some human beings are more intelligent than the rest. Formally, none of them know what intelligence really is.