you still don't get it. If you buy HDB for $25,000 back in the 70s you have 99 years lease which ends in 2069. If you buy the same flat today for $400,000 you have 55 years left. In 2069 your $400,000 is back to zero, lease is up?
If you buy the same flat for $800,000 say in 2024 you have 45 years to go. In 2069 the lease expires and your value is $0.
What if you buy the same flat in 2059 at $2.8M, and in 2069 the same 99 years lease is up and you get nothing.
Say if you bought the flat in 2024 and live there till 2059 and wish to sell? How much is your flat be worth with 10 years lease to go?
You are not getting a new 99 years lease every time the flat is re-sold. Or do you? You may have to clarify this with LHL?
Say you bought your flat in Chinatown in 1980 and 99 lease end 2079. Pirated PAP get rid of you 30 years later and make you live beside Johor Causeway. For the next part of your life you have to take 2 hrs of MRT to Chinatown?
If you can't express your premise in a single sentence, its not gonna stick. If i leased you a car for 200k when it costs 50k to own on across the causeway, terms may not be fair to you but you know what you are paying for. After all, it is written in the contract is it not? Where is the swindle?