you cannot even tell whether it rhymes in mandarin becasue you cannot read chinese, so how can you tell us that it sounds fine in mandarin...i am waiting for somebody to point out your folly...LOL
ancient poems are meant to rhyme in old chinese but they do nto rhyme in mandarin and reading in mandarin means the wit and the nuances are lost.
it is not for you to say your ancestors' language sounds terrible just like you do not chose your own father or mother or blame them for bringing you up in the manner which you turned out to be
choosing this as your response only shows that you are not only trying to promote a Mandarin only policy and sucking up to the partyline but you are also debasing chinese culture and advocates a total eradication of our roots and this is betrayed by how you insult li bai and confucius and their language as "sounding terrible".next, you will say they have slanty eyes too and probably did not have enuff hair.,...
it is not fine, those who can read chinese take a look at this extract from chinese wilko...the lack iof rhymes from shijing has baffled scholars from the time of the northern and southern dynasties in the 400s AD but dirty roach says it is fine to him (becasue he does not even know how to read chinese)
漢語發音從《詩經》到南北朝已經發生了重大的變化,南北朝人讀先秦文獻的時候,發現有許多押韻不和諧的地方 了。當時人對《詩經》的註解反映他們遇到的困難:當《詩經》的韻腳不押韻時,他們牽強的改其中一個字的音使 其押韻,認為這樣讀起來更加和諧。例如:
-- 《詩經·邶風·燕燕》
在這首詩中的「音」和「南」兩個字押韻。北梁人沈重在《毛詩音》中指出:「南:叶句,宜乃林反」。他用反切 的方法標註他認為正確的讀音。這個方法叫做「叶韻」。 隋朝人陸德明認為不應該使用叶韻法,因為他認為古代人押韻不嚴謹,沒有必要改正《詩經》的讀音。他指出:「 沈云叶句宜乃林反,今謂古人韻緩,不煩改字」。"
在宋朝,朱熹等人繼承了南北朝的叶韻法(亦稱「叶音」),並非常系統的用這個方法來改正《詩經》和《楚辭》 裡所謂「不和諧」的韻腳字的讀音。他們認為,古人對韻腳字可以臨時改讀,他們還沒有發現隨着時間的推移而變 化的發音原則,他們以為先秦時代的古人的發音和宋朝人一樣。但是,在這個時代,吳棫在《毛詩叶韻補音》等著 作中發現《詩經》的押韻現象是有規則的,他通過對韻腳字系統的考察,把中古韻類歸納成九個韻部。雖然吳棫缺 乏明確的歷史概念(他把唐宋和先秦的韻腳字混為一談)他的研究邁出了進入正確的路線的第一步,為後代的學者 開闢了研究古音的新途徑。除了他以外,鄭庠、項安世、程迥等人進行了古音的研究。
AND i have already posted this earlier but Dirty Roach and his PLP gang is still trying to argue in circles and using INFRACTIONS to throw me off: