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[Sg video] - What is this man doing?


knn got what smell? smell the detergent powder scented bra also song lol... smell until now whole world can see his bbfa face...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Youngster hormones raging, and there are plenty of temptations online and offline these days.

I suggest we set up safe spaces for them to sniff bras and panties, similar to breastfeeding rooms for lactating women.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This type must send to Mayfair to take a whiff of the curry stained panty. After that, I can assure you that he'll have a phobia for women's undies and will stay away from them until the day he dies. Very effective cure!

The mad woman will accuse him of whistling and then strangle him with her bra strap. :unsure:


more like William Shakekeelanjiao speare.

The insignificant nobody me knows full well that you are inferring me. Hey, it's ok. Prove that it is me in the video, which you are unable to do so, only to cast aspersions, in the hope that it sticks, to gain your personal objectives...such often washes off my back & often ignored, but for your sake, I will make an exception.

I do know from your numerous posts in support of Mr. Lee Hsien Yang, & probably my latest posts on OTHER threads had damaged your standings, your foolish beliefs that you may make use of naive others to support your futile course, & thus your lashing out at me, as your ego & pride will not be able to sustain your life if you bow to truths, painful as it often is...

Thus, my humble & sincere apologies to you, Mr oliver- LEE, should I had offended you. Truth stands unshaken on its own pedestal...proven since the dawn of Civilization. Should one be unable to live with truths & realities, then one is living in delusions & will only be harmful to not just oneself, but to others as well.

To return back to this thread, it is good that cameras had picked up the identity of this kid. It is merely a psychological issue & can be cured. His behavior is based upon a need that he felt not met & thus his disgusting actions. With such video evidences, his parents will have to play a more important role, to sit down, to discuss & find solutions out than to ignore in hope that the kid may grow out of it, which they never will & will only escalate even further to harm to others.

They can always turn to govt or charity orgs for help. One way that the insignificant nobody me can help is for the kid to engage in healthy sports - to use such hormones in their bodies for productive ways, & meet up with friends to widen social circles than to rely on a mere flat screen filled with delusions daily for personal physical satisfaction...