Dear Joetys
Thanks for your private message, a very happy new year to you too.
Please allow me to apologise for not returning, I have never sent a pm since the forum started and don't intend to start. Hope u understand.
Have to say that I agree with your comments in the pm.
That is why most of us are here providing information, giving comments and views, passing sarcastic remarks, etc.
I have no inside information, hence restrict myself to the latter 2. It's a way of lettting out some steam without getting angry in real life. Some of us have been doing it for years.
I'll provide a few comments and suggestions on why u should remain in the forum. It's still up to u, but most of us appreciate your informative posts about Thailand, your insights and your sincerity and politeness.
1. This forum is a place for us to let off steam, to get information, entertainment and discuss topics of mutual interest.
2. I tried to explain to Windsor, who was also unhappy over the 'latest developments'. Sam's comments are made more out of boredom than anything else. He has done that over the years, just to get a reaction. Really smart chap, but he likes to get a laugh, sometimes at our expense. He actually dislikes many aspects of the pap government too. Why do u think he has maintained the forum for so long with the same nature?
3. His situation is actually quite similar to yours. Why do u think he has emigrated? He wouldn't have if he loved the system and the government running it. After u declared your departure, Sam actually said a few times that he had given u some advice on your decision to get a vehicle. From him, that is quite conciliatory, don't expect too much more. :o
4. The most important point is probably this. Why bother about what others say or think? Just do what you want, as long as it is within legal boundaries and not unethical or immoral. If u enjoy posting/bantering in this forum, then by all means continue.