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Reddit salacious news about CLH


Alfrescian (Inf)
this is what happens when MPs have nothing to do except to sleep in Parliament and collect 18k a month
they now promoted to sleep in colleague's bedroom....knn
get your popcorn ready
Calling Piss And Poop a fucking useless party isn't wrong at all. They are indeed useless and they are also fucking each other.... :laugh:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Officer cadets are treated like shit, I heard. Worse than ordinary recruits. :biggrin:
Not recently, but during the old days and my days there.
There are a few not so friendly not so civil instructors.
One of my favourite instructors, was then LTA Neo Keng Kok, a US trained Ranger, Pathfinder, and champion skydiver, who later became OC Parachute School.


This guy also useless kao bao. Saw
him before with gf shopping for 2nd hand car like damn hard up.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, a whiny crying baby. The current ranks of the pap is pathetic.
Why do you say that?
I am not a member not a supporter of PAP.
I am not a member of any political party.
I thought this gentleman and honourable member is "a white horse", SPF Scholar, and related to a former PAP MP?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ya la uncle is a convict. His inspiration figure.
I believe on hindsight, he may wish that he withdrew that comment.
I read somewhere that he was a a SPF Scholar, and a DAC with the SPF, before becoming a candidate at Hougang SMC, where was not elected as an MP.
He is probably earning much more as a Mayor and MP, instead of DAC or by now DC with the SPF.
It pays to be a Scholar and well connected.
Would any of us "sell our soul"?
We may not be as committed and perservere like CSJ, but I believe that many of us or a huge majority of us, wll not sell our souls.
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I believe on hindsight, he may wish that he withdrew that comment.
I read somewhere that he was a a SPF Scholar, and a DAC with the SPF, before becoming a candidate at Hougang SMC, where was not elected as an MP.
He is probably earning much more as a Mayor and MP, instead of DAC or by now DC with the SPF.
It pays to be a Scholar and well connected.
Would any of us "sell our soul"?
We may not be as committed and perservere like CSJ, but I believe that many of us or a huge majority of us, wll not sell our souls.
DSP, not DAC.