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Reddit salacious news about CLH


this is what happens when MPs have nothing to do except to sleep in Parliament and collect 18k a month
they now promoted to sleep in colleague's bedroom....knn
get your popcorn ready

A Singaporean

Usually a lock can only be opened by 1 key. You can also have a master key which can open a few locks. Ah Hui is like a lock which can be opened by any key.


Usually a lock can only be opened by 1 key. You can also have a master key which can open a few locks. Ah Hui is like a lock which can be opened by any key.
Dun be so jekark la...ish true love.

It's more like the master key gets duplicated and passed around...LOL

" Have you tried CLH? ", " Yeah, damn shiok. "

" How about you? ", " Yes, super tokong service. got slurping sound some more.."


why sack the delicious slut....just transfer her to the 'servicing' department of pap, all members including john tan can enjoy the mangoes after a hard day's work carrying cheebye loong's balls...that is if they can locate it


Alfrescian (Inf)
As I have already stated that comfort women team expanded from PA, grassloots to your colleagues or so called comrades.
In the good old days, comfort women were forced. In modern PA days, there is no lack of such volunteers having their eyes glued on the most charismatic politicians - usually the married one. Now you know why AGO kept spotting unusual activities and transactions, inside PA umbrella, for so many years in a row.

TJC/CLH is just the tip of an iceberg. Dive deeper, you will be shocked by numerous undisclosed cases, until the time came for them to pop into the public "quite suddently".

Scrooball (clone)

Wa lan eh.... this CLH has done more for the Oppo cause than Low Thia Khiang and Sylvia Lim combined!

She should be crowned the Oppo MVP! This is her holding the balls of the dirty dishonourable men in the party



Alfrescian (Inf)
She said she loves children. So those men were merely performing their duty as sperm donors. What's wrong? :unsure:
