Despite the many incentives to encourage Singaporeans to get married and procreate, there is still not a growing sign of this happening.
The role of the PRCs when they settle here will prove effective in solving the problem of a greying population.
1. you said the PRCs will support the tax base here. if the first 20k of income tax is not taxed, and most of these PRCs are earning 1.5k/mth, how much can they possibly contribute? and since they save more than they spend, how much tax can they contribute via GST?
2. if s'poreans are not reproducing despite the $ incentives, then could it be that $ alone is not that big a factor for singaporeans in procreation?
3. people are not going to reproduce if they can't spend time with their kids. why no time? coz the singapore corporate culture is bred on inefficiency. where face time is valued more than results. our ineffective KPI system promotes quantity (of hours) over quality. things are done for 'show' rather than for results.
4. you want people to reproduce? give them more time with their families. revamp singapore corporate culture to value results more than face time. allow staff the flexibility to work from home where ever possible. Start with the civil service and GLCs and TLCs. and not just lip service in the form of one time once a year family day campaigns.
5. if this policy of importing FTs into singapore is the only solution the PAP can come up with, then it means that their time is close to up. obviously, the system created by lky has peaked and cannot advance any further, and the FT policy has alienated the citizenry. it is a matter of time before either the system fails or the PAP fails. importing FTs is a bandage solution to a fractured skeleton.
6. one solution out of this is to allow the natural order to fail and a new system to emerge to replace it. lky may have been a great lawyer, economist and politician, but he knew nuts about nation building and creating a sustainable social model. very obviously our economic success came at a huge social cost, and trying to bandage a broken bone is not a lasting solution.
7. i'm surprised the ICA has not produced a "new residents guide" to help explain local cultures and practices to incoming PRs/Citizens. leaving the job of integrating these new residents to the grassroots and RCs is plain negligence. a gov body should be tasked with this.