There are always people who scolded others "religious bigots" or "religious fanatics" but somehow, I didn't know there are such "atheist bigots" or "atheist fanatics" around!
Karma can be a neutral concept, just like gravity. You can be a atheist, Buddhist, Christian or Muslims or others, believing very differently but you cannot say gravity doesn't exist. Gravity is a concept that can be quite an abstract concept in the ancient world. Well, try explaining gravity as the attraction force between two objects... but in reality, we cannot "prove it" using earthly experiment. The fundamental question is, why would there be "attraction force", the invisible force, when there is mass? It started with a hypothesis and "proven" with theories.
Simple thing like gravity, is not an easy concept to be proven. It is only on hindsight, we would take that for granted that the attraction force between two masses exist.
Karma, started from the simplest form, action and reaction, extended to worldly happenings. The concept of Karma cannot be completed without after life, reincarnation or rebirth.
Atheists can believe in Karma without believing in any religion. Why? It is pretty simple because in many cases, it can be "proven" with earthly happenings. For eg, if you hit a person, most likely he will hit you back. That's karma. From then on, if nothing else happens, you two will become unfriendly, if not enemies. That's karmic relationship.
The only difficulty lies in the extension of Karmic bonding to after lives. Atheists may or may not believe in that after life. Atheists remain atheists because they do not believe in any possibilities of divine interventions. Being atheists only means you don't believe in the existence of any God or Divine beings. It doesn't prevent you from believing Karma or gravity.
People who have gone into the extremes of even denouncing simple concept of Karma or Action and Reaction, due to "semantic" labels of "what is religious or non-religious", are most probably going nuts on anti-religion.
I have been an atheist before, walked the atheist path before. Been there, through it all. What the logical mind cannot explain now, doesn't really mean anything at all, definitely not about "lies" or illogical. Before human beings can understand gravity or the Earth is round and not the centre of universe, people doesn't find it "logical" to see Earth as round because they lack the information to understand it. It is only on hindsight that Atheists start to claim that it was religious influence that say Earth is flat and the centre of universe. However, they must ask themselves, how many of them, if present at that moment, could prove logically that Earth is round and not centre of universe?
When people chose to believe something that cannot be explained logically, it becomes a leap of faith. That is why religion is about belief. But for Atheists to denounce belief, that is utter presumptuous that these beliefs are false because they can't prove it either, just like when they can't prove Earth is round and not centre of universe back in the ancient world.
Some beliefs may be wrong but some may be right as well. Nobody, at this moment, really have full information to determine which is wrong and which is right, or all is wrong. For atheist like Drifter to declare that the universe doesn't have divine Gods or Karma, I am sorry to say that yours is also a "belief" that couldn't be proven as well.
Goh Meng Seng