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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18


LHL's work is not done.
He would likeLEE stay for another one or two terms.
He needs to pave the path for famiLEE matters first.
Certain cupboards just cannot be allowed to be opened.

Stay for what? He can be MM plus wife as controlling all finances will new PM as puppet as GCT was.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Look at the crowd! PAP needs a huge auditorium for its party conference. Most of the oppie parties can host their annual conferences within a HDB flat's living room.



Stay for what? He can be MM plus wife as controlling all finances will new PM as puppet as GCT was.

Lose the premiership and all will be gone. He can garner no respect from most LEEders. Without the power and authority to appoint who and who, he would be no different from an effeminate eunuch, MM or whatever Eunuch Mentor. In time to come, the famiLEE shall come to understand that there can be NO HIDING THE TRUTH.


Lose the premiership and all will be gone. He can garner no respect from most LEEders. Without the power and authority to appoint who and who, he would be no different from an effeminate eunuch, MM or whatever Eunuch Mentor. In time to come, the famiLEE shall come to understand that there can be NO HIDING THE TRUTH.

Lose the name, gain another. LKY was in power even as LHL was in power.


LHL aka fake BG aka Pinky will step down, cry, try to gain sympathy votes and then help another fake scholar/scholar general in while controlling the puppets like his daddy did.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Look at the crowd! PAP needs a huge auditorium for its party conference. Most of the oppie parties can host their annual conferences within a HDB flat's living room.

Front row 3rd from the alpha male with leg on his knee, there's a machik carrying branded handbag? What's the brand? :biggrin:


Stay for what? He can be MM plus wife as controlling all finances will new PM as puppet as GCT was.

Truth be told, GCT has never regarded the person as a true leader.
At the recent book launch, it was a Tall Order for the Son to humbLEE pacify the Holy Goh to stand down.
Mr Goh should do what is right for Volume 2 and proudly create his own Volume 3.
Please Go and Stand Tall. The Order is yours to give.


Truth be told, GCT has never regarded the person as a true leader.
At the recent book launch, it was a Tall Order for the Son to humbLEE pacify the Holy Goh to stand down.
Mr Goh should do what is right for Volume 2 and proudly create his own Volume 3.
Please Go and Stand Tall. The Order is yours to give.

Who doesn't want to control puppets.