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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18


I had side bets with my kakis that TCJ will be PM
I believe TS is right. KC is indeed a red herring to camouflage the inevitable.

SK2 is the real seat warmer, and when he emerges as PM sinkies will be so distracted by KC and not suspect SK2.


Super Moderator
SK2 is the real seat warmer, and when he emerges as PM sinkies will be so distracted by KC and not suspect SK2.

the narratives are just so spell binding... nation before self! fuck the health and serve the nation first! :cry::cry::cry: all the silly old geese will cry for him, vote for him.

altogether now!!! huat ah!!!


got any side bet on when the PM will step down...
SK2 fits the role of seat warmer to perfection. His health will turn out to be the perfect excuse when he is asked to step down.

The current PM will NOT step down. The famiLEE has too many unsettLEEd businesses and unLEEclosed matters to resolve or protect.
The next PM has to afford assurance before officialLEE appointed. He/She must be wilLEEng to vacate after two terms.
One term for preparatory induction and the next for mentoring and faciLEEtating the new ruLEEr.
Too much is at stake to step down. There can be no repeat of Pu Yi, the Last Emperor.
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