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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18

Kee Chew



By stepping down from the CEC means they will be most likely stood down for the next erection. However both Jos Teo n Bargain Hen got into the CEC ...does that mean they will be there the next erection? Bargain hen screwed up alot n Jos Teo does fuck all.... besides asking ppl to fuck...so the useless got promoted


Alfrescian (Inf)
Seriously...are you not a Singaporean? Like you, the many others here, there and everywhere are also Singaporeans.
Do we like to be abused? Do we have a choice?
Singaporeans had NO CHOICE then.
It was either the Devil or the deep blue sea.
Don't offer Singaporeans a disjointed and malfunctioning Alternative.
Get your own house in order and put a better choice on the ballot paper.
The same applies to everyone. Face it and soldier on or continue enjoying the abuse.

Sometimes I feel like that man with the long pole thing...fighting the windmill. They have better choices, they bemoaned that oppositions were less educated etc...etc...when they were presented with good candidates they chose the same shits that screwed them & in larger numbers too. I have always placed that "X" on where I should make my choices...but it is like bouncing a pebble off a granite wall....


Sometimes I feel like that man with the long pole thing...fighting the windmill. They have better choices, they bemoaned that oppositions were less educated etc...etc...when they were presented with good candidates they chose the same shits that screwed them & in larger numbers too. I have always placed that "X" on where I should make my choices...but it is like bouncing a pebble off a granite wall....

I fully agree with you. Like you, I have also placed the 'X' on an alternative candidate at every GE. However, we must appreciate that different individuals rationalise and decide based on their own sets of criteria. What is adequate or excellent to us may not be 'good enough' to the many others. History has shown that alternative candidates usually do not have it easy. Voters take time to understand and accept an alternative candidate or party, especially against an unscrupulous, manipulative and well-established juggernaut.

The people need time to understand and appreciate the Alternative. Likewise, the Alternative needs effort to empathise and gel with the electorate. Respect is mutual and should be earned. Take a leaf from the business world - The customer is always right, regardless of how ridiculous the customer were to be. Request but not ridicule or demand. Do the latter and one could lose the support permanently. Hence, my humble request. I share as an ordinary citizen rooting for the Alternative.

I seek to assist, not to jeopardise.


By stepping down from the CEC means they will be most likely stood down for the next erection. However both Jos Teo n Bargain Hen got into the CEC ...does that mean they will be there the next erection? Bargain hen screwed up alot n Jos Teo does fuck all.... besides asking ppl to fuck...so the useless got promoted

Hen will do the MINDEF post till he's kicked out or kicks the bucket.

Kee Chew

is there a missing Generation ?

Generation Timeline :

1G = Lky time period
2G = GcT time period
3G = LHL time period
4G = ???

Kee Chew

I fully agree with you. Like you, I have also placed the 'X' on an alternative candidate at every GE. However, we must appreciate that different individuals rationalise and decide based on their own sets of criteria. What is adequate or excellent to us may not be 'good enough' to the many others. History has shown that alternative candidates usually do not have it easy. Voters take time to understand and accept an alternative candidate or party, especially against an unscrupulous, manipulative and well-established juggernaut.

The people need time to understand and appreciate the Alternative. Likewise, the Alternative needs effort to empathise and gel with the electorate. Respect is mutual and should be earned. Take a leaf from the business world - The customer is always right, regardless of how ridiculous the customer were to be. Request but not ridicule or demand. Do the latter and one could lose the support permanently. Hence, my humble request. I share as an ordinary citizen rooting for the Alternative.

I seek to assist, not to jeopardise.

Bro KopiO

just curious are Singaporeans into the
4th Generation ???

Economist said is true than we must worry :sick:



Bro KopiO

just curious are Singaporeans into the
4th Generation ???

Economist said is true than we must worry :sick:

1G to 4G is a ploy created by the manipulative FamiLEE to suit their hidden selfish objectives.
It seeks to completeLEE disregard the earlier leaders and subtly drive home the 'founding father' indoctrination.
Age difference between GCT and LHL is about 11 years. That's one generation?
The line between foolishness and wisdom may not always be clear.

Food for Thought:

富不过三代 Wealth does not survive three generations.
If the saying is true, then let's wait and see as 3G is not over yet.
Hope is expecting the unexpected.

Thank you for the brotherly address and acknowledgement. :smile:

Kee Chew

1G to 4G is a ploy created by the manipulative FamiLEE to suit their hidden selfish objectives.
It seeks to completeLEE disregard the earlier leaders and subtly drive home the 'founding father' indoctrination.
Age difference between GCT and LHL is about 11 years. That's one generation?
The line between foolishness and wisdom may not always be clear.

Food for Thought:

富不过三代 Wealth does not survive three generations.
If the saying is true, then let's wait and see as 3G is not over yet.
Hope is expecting the unexpected.

Thank you for the brotherly address and acknowledgement. :smile:

Thank You SirKopiOkosong
