I fully agree with you. Like you, I have also placed the 'X' on an alternative candidate at every GE. However, we must appreciate that different individuals rationalise and decide based on their own sets of criteria. What is adequate or excellent to us may not be 'good enough' to the many others. History has shown that alternative candidates usually do not have it easy. Voters take time to understand and accept an alternative candidate or party, especially against an unscrupulous, manipulative and well-established juggernaut.
The people need time to understand and appreciate the Alternative. Likewise, the Alternative needs effort to empathise and gel with the electorate. Respect is mutual and should be earned. Take a leaf from the business world - The customer is always right, regardless of how ridiculous the customer were to be. Request but not ridicule or demand. Do the latter and one could lose the support permanently. Hence, my humble request. I share as an ordinary citizen rooting for the Alternative.
I seek to assist, not to jeopardise.