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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18

Kee Chew



I always found it amusing to look at what indoctrination can do to people :coffee::coffee::coffee:

PAP's Mission: To build a fair and just SOCIETY

PAP wants SOCIETY to be fair and just to the PAP LEEders and LEElated eLEEtes.
Those deemed LEEtrimental to PAP's survival shall be eLEEminated
To achieve, PAP shall use whatever means to stage a FIT and FIX.


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
I always found it amusing to look at what indoctrination can do to people :coffee::coffee::coffee:
This indoctrination makes you rich and an elite with connections all over. Even if you stay in HDB flat, you probably get benefits and privileges that the average Joe doesn't get. Nothing amusing. Lol :biggrin:


Don't mess with me
Generous Asset
SINGAPORE: Five senior members of the People’s Action Party (PAP) will step down from its Central Executive Committee (CEC), party secretary general Lee Hsien Loong announced on Sunday (Nov 11).
They are: Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan, Deputy Prime Ministers Teo Chee Hean and Tharman Shanmugaratnam, as well as Dr Yaacob Ibrahim and Mr Lim Swee Say.

He was speaking at the PAP’s awards and conference on Sunday, where the party will elect a new slate of members into its CEC – the highest decision-making body in the party.
Dr Yaacob and Mr Lim had retired from the Cabinet earlier this year following a reshuffle.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...mong-five-senior-pap-members-to-step-10917974