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Serious People's Action Party Biennial Party Conference . 11 Nov 18


Alfrescian (Inf)
Will LHL be MM ah? Disgraceful son taking daddy's title!

No, they will modify the title so that, you won't say that, daddy's boy taking daddy title. Since they going to announce the MERDEKA thing 2019. He will be called Merdeka Minister...since he is born in that range. The short form MeM. still two "M"'s...


No, they will modify the title so that, you won't say that, daddy's boy taking daddy title. Since they going to announce the MERDEKA thing 2019. He will be called Merdeka Minister...since he is born in that range. The short form MeM. still two "M"'s...

Master Masturbater.

Kee Chew

head shaker seat warmer to be officially appointed by cec and revealed to sinkie pubic.

this Sunday will see kc move up.


Alfrescian (Inf)
prefer sex in tight spaces jo. she fully understands sinkies' plight: how to enjoy sex for free with lack of privacy, time and space. sinkies need to get going with humping and getting a bump.

Do the bump...do the bump....do the bump...babe!
