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PAPsmearer Exclusive: The SAF standard issue rifle and the corruption that is the S’pore Defence Industrial complex


There are many issues with the SAR-21. I can name just a few here. I have put a few SAR-21 rounds downrange, and this weapon is a piece of shit. The main issue is:

4) There are no backup iron sights on this thing. U have a rudimentary one good for up to about 50m, but if the scope is damage and u cannot use it, good luck to you.

I used M16 throughout NS (1994 to 2010s) until my very last range where i used the SAR21 for the first and last time. This lack of a proper backup was what shocked me the most. How could the designer left this out? The simplest of scenarios: What happens if batteries ran out suddenly during a shootout? Even a primary school boy would have thought of that!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I would say the whole friggin SAF is for corruption.

Look at it.

SAF scholars. Promoted to Generals. Then roped into politics to be Ministers and big wigs in the UNIONS too!

Rubbish man.

as well as parachuted to entities affiliated with the SG govt.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I used M16 throughout NS (1994 to 2010s) until my very last range where i used the SAR21 for the first and last time. This lack of a proper backup was what shocked me the most. How could the designer left this out? The simplest of scenarios: What happens if batteries ran out suddenly during a shootout? Even a primary school boy would have thought of that!

is the M16 very different from the old AR 15?


Alfrescian (Inf)
is the M16 very different from the old AR 15?
m-16 is the military designation and militarized variant of the ar-15. at gun stores and shows, you can buy a (civilian) ar-15 but not an m-16 as m-16 is military issue. but they are essentially almost similar and identical. the m-4 is the shorter version of the m-16 with collapsible stock. m-4 at first was used in armored and mechanized formations due to its shorter barrel and collapsible stock, but is now generally preferred over the m-16 for most infantry units due to its lighter weight and compactness.


Alfrescian (Inf)
m-16 is the military designation and militarized variant of the ar-15. at gun stores and shows, you can buy a (civilian) ar-15 but not an m-16 as m-16 is military issue. but they are essentially almost similar and identical. the m-4 is the shorter version of the m-16 with collapsible stock. m-4 at first was used in armored and mechanized formations due to its shorter barrel and collapsible stock, but is now generally preferred over the m-16 for most infantry units due to its lighter weight and compactness.
View attachment 66584

Can buy one for me when you next visit SINKapore?


Super Moderator
KNN... why up till this point in time, nobody chip in and rally?

Don’t be shy! Altogether now!!! Super duper loud loud!!!



U loyal to familee, familee take care of u! Why risk a sure thing for some unknown reward? Sometime even get makan by rival minions? :eek:

still doesn't exonerate stinkies

since razer or espressif systems in foreign turf isn't exactly drawing in billions in revenues and profits a year


How long has ST been building weapons? 30 years? Isnt it time they show some results. Building real weapons to be sold overseas.

And if they cant perform, then ST should stop wasting time n money on trying to be a weapons builders.

u siao ah?

whore jinx got to boost temasek's bottom line or not?

then how?

stinkies got a big, indigenous company anot?

wah lau eh u so blur liddat liao alamak


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
Knn election coming you guys trying to smear good old PAP for corruption, waste money, cronyism, uncaring basically PAP is smelly, you all damn good. I sort of summarized it.



Armed forces are increasingly preferring rifles that are modular and scalable. Being able to customize the set up to suit different missions demand. . Barrel length and even calibre can be changed without much hassle.

Don't see how SAR 21 can meet up with the requirements. The fix telescope and integrated LAD killed any export prospect.
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