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Online users express anger towards Chan Chun Sing over his remarks of calling people “idiots” and “disgraceful”


Keechiu explores Changkat Changi Secondary School's campus. :o-o::confused::tongue:

Chan Chun Sing

1h ·
Today's school experiences are more exciting and engaging than ever—imagine soaring through the skies as a virtual pilot or bringing your own designs to life with 3D printing.
Join Joanne Peh and I on ‘A Conversation with Minister’《空中访民情》, as we explore Changkat Changi Secondary School's campus and find out how our students experience their school. It was an engaging time learning how CCSS uses its unique flight simulator in their aviation lessons, interacting with students and teachers, as well as sharing some of my school experiences growing up.
Catch the episode tonight on Channel 8 at 8.30pm and don’t miss out on the adventure! 一起观看吧!



Keechiu is not happy with bullies. :frown::FU::mad:

Chan Chun Sing

Bullying. It is a complex problem - not one that can be solved with simple, one-size-fits-all solutions. It often needs a nuanced approach - one that prioritises the well-being and reform of both victims and perpetrators. I addressed the issue in Parliament today.
Our immediate reactions to bullying incidents could hinder a perpetrator's chance for rehabilitation. For instance, when videos of bullying go viral, counterproductive behaviors on social media such as circulating them, doxxing the students or calling for them to be ostracised may seem justified - but do more harm than good. Expulsion also seems a quick fix - but it often leaves the perpetrator without the guidance they need to mend their ways, and drive them to greater extremes. Society may not be better for it.
Let me be clear: no one is above the law. Wrongdoing must be acknowledged and addressed. But we also cannot forget the importance of helping victims heal and working towards rehabilitating those who have caused harm. Perhaps only then will we able to break the cycle of bullying once and for all.
Each of us has the power - and the responsibility - to support one another.
True justice blends punishment with rehabilitation.


Keechiu shares a fun fact. :o-o::confused::laugh:

Chan Chun Sing

2h ·
A little fun fact about the name National Institute of Early Childhood Development, which is “NIEC” for short.
Early on, we had discussed if it should be called the National Institute of Childhood Education, so that it forms “NICE”. An actual English word, an acronym that’s easy to remember.
The staff from the various ministries and agencies then were clear that that there would be a substantive difference between the National Institute of Early Childhood Development versus the National Institute of Childhood Education.
An early childhood educator’s job isn’t just about education – it’s about helping our children develop holistically and building their socio-emotional skills and values during their formative years so that they will grow into well-adjusted individuals later in life.
I shared three wishes for National Institute of Early Childhood Development - NIEC today, during their fifth anniversary celebrations.
I hope that NIEC will always seek to deepen their professional knowledge and diversity of practices, raise well-rounded individuals, and set healthy partnerships with stakeholders especially parents.
NIEC also announced their ambitions to become the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Leadership and elevate leadership in the early childhood sector, as well as serve as a home for all early childhood educators to foster a more collaborative environment.
May NIEC grow from strength to strength. Congratulations!
#NIEC #NIECSingapore #NIEC5thAnniversary #NIECConference2024



Keechiu thought he would try something different. :alien::ninja::biggrin:

Chan Chun Sing

Thought I would try something different for SIT's Convocation ceremony today. I shared three conversations I had with students. This conversation that I had with various IHL students is one of them:
Student: Minister, life is very hard in the university as we have a lot of homework and assignments to submit.
Me: Oh, I see. So why are you working so hard?
Student: So that I can get good grades and earn big bucks.
Me: Okay, then what do you want to do with the big bucks that you are going to earn?
Student: So that I have more free time.
Me: Okay, then what do you want to do with the free time?
Student: So that I can help people.
Me: But can you help people without making big bucks?
Sometimes in life, we think we have to achieve something, before we have the confidence to contribute and help someone. But we all know deep in our hearts – that's not true. Many of the graduands today are in the allied health sector. May you continue to touch the lives of others and be the difference to everyone around you.
Education isn’t just for a job or money. Instead, we learn because we want to. We want to understand how things work, gain new skills and inculcate in our young - values to keep them grounded and contribute back to society.
Congratulations to all graduands! Graduation marks an exciting and important milestone in your learning journey. Let’s make learning a lifelong habit, and not just an afterthought when time is on our side.
All the best!
