What are you implying? Are you still blaming the Indians and Malays for your miserable election performances?
What has either NSP or WP done for the Malay and Indian community? Please answer this. Stop talking about red, white and blue like a Chinese snake.
Base on past voting:-
60 % English speaking vote PAP
10% Malay and Indian Singaporean will maybe vote Opposition if we have Chiam See Tong, Low Thia Kiang, JBJ, Francis Seow, Teng Liang Hong, James Gomes, Sylvia Lim and other heavy weight.
5% Chinese Speaking will not vote Dr Chee Soon Juan who Jail, Bankrupcy, Fine and so on
25% Chinese Speaking will vote for NSP, SDP and WP opposition
Buona Vista (15,850) Abdul Karim B Abdul Sattar
Low Yong Nguan
Peter Sung PKMS
PAP 449
8,859 3.13
Bukit Panjang (33,824) Ibrahim Ariff
Kwek Guan Kwee
Lee Yiok Seng PKMS
PAP 3,790
18,314 11.86