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Old Fart
A friend brought these jelly mooncakes from Edmonton and gave to us. Thanks!

Tried the white one. Is agar agar with mango agar agar filling. Looks better than it tastes.

View attachment 123232

View attachment 123233
My wife and children have been offering me mooncakes. Bringing them up to my study, all nicely cut and presented. Some of these were given by clients, other were purchased. I rejected all. They just want me to die of diabetes so they can inherit my assets! I trust no one! :biggrin:


Old Fart


My wife and children have been offering me mooncakes. Bringing them up to my study, all nicely cut and presented. Some of these were given by clients, other were purchased. I rejected all. They just want me to die of diabetes so they can inherit my assets! I trust no one! :biggrin:


Smlj assets ?
your unused GV and
unsed condoms ah? :biggrin:

btw you alrealee divorced them
how can they inherit ?