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MY LUNCH/DINNER/BREAKFAST/SNACK/SUPPER Thread for sharing your meals/food/cooking


Alfrescian (Inf)
Scrambled eggs with shrimp


Alfrescian (Inf)
Discovered restoran tucked in an unknown corner.

"Vietnamese" grilled chicken... the green stuff on the rice that usually goes with yaogai (soy sauce chicken) is a tell tale sign that this stuff is not authentic, but it certainly satisfied my hunger... BURP :smile:



Alfrescian (Inf)
Does it melt down in the pot?

Looks like a lot of work.
requires only 69 minutes of prep work. has to press down and flatten yam and lice flour mixture with silicone spatula before steaming. during steaming, mixture will rise a quarter to half inch. thus need a 6/9-inch to 0.69-inch or up to 3/4 of an inch allowance around ream of pan.

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