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MY LUNCH/DINNER/BREAKFAST/SNACK/SUPPER Thread for sharing your meals/food/cooking


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Butter chicken with bread



Alfrescian (Inf)
So pretty! Is this home made? Very artisan!
french restaurant. all ingredients are locally and organically sourced. for anyone new to napa, i would highly recommend this restaurant. it’s in old downtown napa, not far the oxbow, next to napa riverwalk marketplace, and by the napa river.


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french restaurant. all ingredients are locally and organically sourced. for anyone new to napa, i would highly recommend this restaurant. it’s in old downtown napa, not far the oxbow, next to napa riverwalk marketplace, and by the napa river.

Escargot? Hard boil egg with some green baked crust? Sausage with lentils? Bread with pate? Truffle fries?

Looks like many starters. You ordering any mains? Share pics ok? :smile: Nice

I like french food. But seldom get to eat. Restuarants tend to be too atas for me.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Escargot? Hard boil egg with some green baked crust? Sausage with lentils? Bread with pate? Truffle fries?

Looks like many starters. You ordering any mains? Share pics ok? :smile: Nice

I like french food. But seldom get to eat. Restuarants tend to be too atas for me.
since it’s late breakfast early lunch (brunch) i only ordered appetizers. don’t need entrée as all in the party except one are minimalist diners. the exception is a chink traditionalist. must have lice and greasy chink food with pork, fowl, and fish (land, air, and sea). we ignored his preference and let him sulk. eventually we bought him panda sexpress take out with the tanwahtiu combo to return to hotel for him to makan.


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since it’s late breakfast early lunch (brunch) i only ordered appetizers. don’t need entrée as all in the party except one are minimalist diners. the exception is a chink traditionalist. must have lice and greasy chink food with pork, fowl, and fish (land, air, and sea). we ignored his preference and let him sulk. eventually we bought him panda sexpress take out with the tanwahtiu combo to return to hotel for him to makan.

I kinda guessed! So far your portion sizes for meals quite small. In fact at first I thought you just having the salad that's all! LOL!

That egg things with the green crust. I am curious what it is. Am I correct hard boil egg? Is the crust thing avocado or pea based?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I kinda guessed! So far your portion sizes for meals quite small.

That egg things with the green crust. I am curious what it is. Am I correct hard boil egg? Is the crust thing avocado or pea based?
deviled eggs with avocado crust. how they make avocado crust around egg i have to dive deep into my chef mind and think thru’. very creative.


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Staff member
deviled eggs with avocado crust. how they make avocado crust around egg i have to dive deep into my chef mind and think thru’. very creative.
LOL! So my guess was correct about avocado!

I was also thinking how they get the crust around the egg so nicely! Cannot be the egg cooked with the crust right?

My guess is the hardboil egg is cooked first then halved.

They probably have a mold for the half boiled eggs (slightly bigger) they put the crust bake mix in the mold (certain cc amount) then push the hard boil egg into the mold. Then go bake in oven. Then crust comes out crispy. But must not bake too high heat wait the egg chao tar


Alfrescian (Inf)
LOL! So my guess was correct about avocado!

My guess is the hardboil egg is cooked first then halved.

They probably have a mold for the half boiled eggs (slightly bigger) they put the crust bake mix in the mold (certain cc amount) then push the hard boil egg into the mold. Then go bake in oven. Then crust comes out crispy. But must not bake too high heat wait the egg chao tar
if i’m the chef and i have to recreate the avocado crusted deviled egg dish, i would hard boil eggs first, deshell them, cover them with guacamole mix (mashed avocado with panko - panko to give crunchiness), deep fry for 69 seconds (eggs are ok as they are already hardboiled like complete eggs in curry puff), cut into halves, remove yolk, whip yolk with cream, salt, pepper, re-insert yolk into cavities of eggs with a cake frosting bag, garnish with chopped black olives and some greens. viola!


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if i’m the chef and i have to recreate the avocado crusted deviled egg dish, i would hard boil eggs first, deshell them, cover them with guacamole mix (mashed avocado with panko - panko to give crunchiness), deep fry for 69 seconds (eggs are ok as they are already hardboiled like complete eggs in curry puff), cut into halves, remove yolk, whip yolk with cream, salt, pepper, re-insert yolk into cavities of eggs with a cake frosting bag, garnish with chopped black olives and some greens. viola!
Still a lot of work man!

Hope they tasted as nice and interesting as they looked!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Still a lot of work man!

Hope they tasted as nice and interesting as they looked!
that’s why the place is my favorite. owner, service staff, chefs, and cooks take pride in their creations. they go out of their way to impress with a new menu every week. nothing remains the same on the menu every 6.9 days. there will always be escargot and foie gras, but they are prepared differently with other ingredients weekly.


Super Moderator
Staff member
that’s why the place is my favorite. owner, service staff, chefs, and cooks take pride in their creations. they go out of their way to impress with a new menu every week. nothing remains the same on the menu every 6.9 days. there will always be escargot and foie gras, but they are prepared differently with other ingredients weekly.
wow! That's awesome!

Yeah having changing menus is very refreshing. Not common especially for big chain restaurants or franchises.

Downside though is something you liked before may not be there anymore. Does he take requests to make stuff that is no longer on menu? I bet he will too for regulars.

Good place! Will remember "Angele"


Alfrescian (Inf)
wow! That's awesome!

Yeah having changing menus is very refreshing. Not common especially for big chain restaurants or franchises.

Downside though is something you liked before may not be there anymore. Does he take requests to make stuff that is no longer on menu? I bet he will too for regulars.

Good place! Will remember "Angele"
it’s up to owner and head chef for what goes into weekly menu. occasionally they will re-introduce popular dishes. if you’re a regular, i’m sure they will oblige and cook up your favorite dish depending on ingredient availability. for example, sweetbread is usually in short supply, and chef has to source for it with local market or specialty food supply chain. if you ask for sweetbread and it’s not on the menu, chef may have to walk next door to meat supplier to see if sextra spare parts are stored in freezer and pay guido a premium. or he may look at you and shake his head. “sorry. you too fat, no sweetbread for you.”