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Mohammed Ali became food deliverer and got brain trauma.. please help


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
fucking retard
what sort of idiot believes any innocent new born child is a criminal a sinner? utterly imbecilic pedophiles and their subjects like you.

The pedophile is your mahomet. He fucked a 9 year old kid, didn't he?


The pedophile is your mahomet. He fucked a 9 year old kid, didn't he?

The pedophile are your christian leaders and faggot priests. Did n't he force you take it up the @rse like eunuch loong said?



So you mean your parents are did not make you? What an igrat! Only idiots ingrat like you think you have no parents. LOL!.... So you are a bastard. LOL!...

You are the bastard and a moron who can't even spell a simple word properly and mispelled it multiple times as "igrat" or "ingrat".

First of all, no your parents do not make you.

Your parents fucked each other, maybe some strangers or stray dogs did too. But not all people can conceive.
Therefore your parents do not, or did not, make you.
They can not even control if you would be a boy or a girl as of yet. Who decides that?
Who decides whether you would be a dumbfuck - as you have turned out to be - or if you in the very unlikely scenario would get to be above average in intelligence?
Who decides whether you would die a stillbirth or would go on to live 50, 80, 100 or 120 years? Certainly not your parents.

And there are umpteen other reasons that can be provided to prove that, no , your parents do not make you. The dumbfuck that you are, this concept will probably continue to elude you and like a typical offspring of a chink whore servicing 200 clients a week, you'd continue to prattle some more nonsense.


Money raised by woman whose food delivery rider son also had an accident
Photo: FB screengrab/Nur Lina
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Singapore – Kind strangers pitched in to help a young GrabFood rider involved in a major accident in Jurong, raising S$20,000 in a day after a member of the public made an online appeal for assistance.
Mohammed Ali was working part-time as a GrabFood rider while waiting to do his national service (NS) when he was seriously injured in an accident on Apr 10 along Toh Guan Road towards Bukit Batok.
Mr Ali spent a week in a coma and a total of 10 days in the intensive care unit (ICU). He required extensive brain surgery to save his life.
The medical treatment resulted in a hospital bill of at least S$100,000, with more expenses to come.
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Mr Ali’s brother, Elfy Andriann, took to Facebook on Apr 26 to appeal to the public for financial assistance.
Ms Nur Lina, a member of the public, came across Mr Ali’s story and also posted an appeal for donations on Apr 28.
She planned to collect the funds and transfer the amount personally to Mr Ali when she visited him in the hospital.
Ms Lina explained that her initiative stemmed from a similar experience when her son, also a food delivery rider, got into an accident a few months ago and sustained a minor injury.
Ms Lina also explained that Mr Ali’s father had recently had a stroke and has since then been in and out of the hospital. He is also a single father of three sons.
Ms Lina’s appeal reportedly reached as far as Malaysia, and kind strangers extended financial assistance to the family.
Ms Lina managed to collect over S$19,000 in a day, and she decided to round the figure up to S$20,000.
Photo: FB screengrab/Nur Lina
During her visit to the hospital, Ms Lina shared, Mr Ali immediately broke into tears upon hearing of the donations.
She attached a photo showing Mr Ali’s father hugging and trying to console his son.
Photo: FB screengrab/Nur Lina
She noted that Mr Ali is no longer in the ICU and shared his plans to continue studying after NS.
Ms Lina also took the opportunity to thank all the donors for their help./TISG
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Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
You are the bastard and a moron who can't even spell a simple word properly and mispelled it multiple times as "igrat" or "ingrat".

First of all, no your parents do not make you.

Your parents fucked each other, maybe some strangers or stray dogs did too. But not all people can conceive.
Therefore your parents do not, or did not, make you.
They can not even control if you would be a boy or a girl as of yet. Who decides that?
Who decides whether you would be a dumbfuck - as you have turned out to be - or if you in the very unlikely scenario would get to be above average in intelligence?
Who decides whether you would die a stillbirth or would go on to live 50, 80, 100 or 120 years? Certainly not your parents.

And there are umpteen other reasons that can be provided to prove that, no , your parents do not make you. The dumbfuck that you are, this concept will probably continue to elude you and like a typical offspring of a chink whore servicing 200 clients a week, you'd continue to prattle some more nonsense.

Typo only and you think the world is ending? LOL!... No wonder moronic ingrate like you think your parents are like dogs and pigs and devote your life to an imaginary non-existing faggot in the sky. What an idiot you are!... Really feel bad for your parents to have an ingrate idiot like you. LOL!..


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I don't really think so as marrying the underage is forbidden.

Not during mohammad's era, when kid fucking was common. The problem was that because mohammad fucked kids, moslems today view pedophilia as an acceptable behaviour for all time, instead of something common for that era.


Typo only and you think the world is ending? LOL!... No wonder moronic ingrate like you think your parents are like dogs and pigs and devote your life to an imaginary non-existing faggot in the sky. What an idiot you are!... Really feel bad for your parents to have an ingrate idiot like you. LOL!..

There is no faggot in the sky that anybody devotes his life to. You mean that's what they teach you in Christianity?
What a subhuman monkey.

WTF does acknowledging a simple fact have to do with being an ingrate?

Low IQ subhuman monkeys like probably born when your parents were copulating with stray dogs will find that hard to comprehend obviously.

You mean your parents chose to make you this dumb?

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
There is no faggot in the sky that anybody devotes his life to. You mean that's what they teach you in Christianity?
What a subhuman monkey.

WTF does acknowledging a simple fact have to do with being an ingrate?

Low IQ subhuman monkeys like probably born when your parents were copulating with stray dogs will find that hard to comprehend obviously.

You mean your parents chose to make you this dumb?

That's why you are an idiot. I don't believe in God, Allah or any of that bullshit. Only ingrate idiots like you believe in fairy tales by a madman.

syed putra

Not during mohammad's era, when kid fucking was common. The problem was that because mohammad fucked kids, moslems today view pedophilia as an acceptable behaviour for all time, instead of something common for that era.
No. Its prohibited even in that era.

2:221 And do not marry the pagan women until they believe. And do not marry the underage girls. Believing women are better from the pagan women although they allure you. And do not marry the idol worshipers (men/women) (musyrikeen) until they believe - and the slaves (men/women) who believe are better from the idol worshipers - although they might allure you. It


That's why you are an idiot. I don't believe in God, Allah or any of that bullshit. Only ingrate idiots like you believe in fairy tales by a madman.

Subhuman moron, that's because you are a moron and nobody asked whether you believe in Allah or God or any thing else (none of that is bullshit, only a single digit IQ moron like you would think so).

The discussion centred on whether your subhuman monkeys of a parents are your makers.

As I have shown clearly, they can't even decide whether you would be intelligent or dumb. Seeing how dumb you ended up being it shows clearly you are not fit to decide anything and have a single digit IQ. No parent could have decided to "make" their child that way further proving me right and you wrong.

Among loads of other reasons proving your bogus theory that parents are the "makers" of anybody.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Subhuman moron, that's because you are a moron and nobody asked whether you believe in Allah or God or any thing else (none of that is bullshit, only a single digit IQ moron like you would think so).

The discussion centred on whether your subhuman monkeys of a parents are your makers.

As I have shown clearly, they can't even decide whether you would be intelligent or dumb. Seeing how dumb you ended up being it shows clearly you are not fit to decide anything and have a single digit IQ. No parent could have decided to "make" their child that way further proving me right and you wrong.

Among loads of other reasons proving your bogus theory that parents are the "makers" of anybody.

Ingrate imbecile like you only think your maker is not your parents and someone else. Subhuman? See how stupid you are? What subhuman? You mean idiots like you who think your parents didn't make you? Maybe you are a subhuman clone from lab. LOL!....


Ingrate imbecile like you only think your maker is not your parents and someone else. Subhuman? See how stupid you are? What subhuman? You mean idiots like you who think your parents didn't make you? Maybe you are a subhuman clone from lab. LOL!....

So an uncouth barbarian imbecile like you was 'made' by your parents this way? To be so stupid? So dense dumb idiotic and a nimrod who can't put two and two together? And still harping on nonsensical issue which has been settled already?

You mean if you were born a dog - like Buddhists or Hindus probably believe - then your parents 'made' you a dog, your parents would want you to be that dumb, that stupid, lowly, dirty, an object of derision intentionally?

What of test tube babies?

Did their parents make them?

What of trees? Did humans 'make' trees if they plant the seeds that later grow up into gigantic trees?

Stupid is as stupid does.

Dont' tell me your parents made you this stupid.

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
So an uncouth barbarian imbecile like you was 'made' by your parents this way? To be so stupid? So dense dumb idiotic and a nimrod who can't put two and two together? And still harping on nonsensical issue which has been settled already?

You mean if you were born a dog - like Buddhists or Hindus probably believe - then your parents 'made' you a dog, your parents would want you to be that dumb, that stupid, lowly, dirty, an object of derision intentionally?

What of test tube babies?

Did their parents make them?

What of trees? Did humans 'make' trees if they plant the seeds that later grow up into gigantic trees?

Stupid is as stupid does.

Dont' tell me your parents made you this stupid.

See how stupid you are? You don't even know how your parents made you. LOL!..... No wonder ingrate imbecile like you think you are a clone. LOL!....


See how stupid you are? You don't even know how your parents made you. LOL!..... No wonder ingrate imbecile like you think you are a clone. LOL!....

genetically impaired monkey

Your parents chose to make you this dumb?
this uncouth?
your parents chose when you will die, how many times you will get scammed, how many times you get dressing down from your boss, or how many times your @rsehole gets poked at pink dot sg by your co-faggots?

you parents chose exactly which genetic disease you'd inherit how much of a nincompoop you are how repetitively tiring yet moronic you sound and continue to prove yourself to be.

truly one of a kind subhuman monkey
a slanty kafir dog if there ever were one
bastard yanks would be disgusted by your ilk, so low are you

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
genetically impaired monkey

Your parents chose to make you this dumb?
this uncouth?
your parents chose when you will die, how many times you will get scammed, how many times you get dressing down from your boss, or how many times your @rsehole gets poked at pink dot sg by your co-faggots?

you parents chose exactly which genetic disease you'd inherit how much of a nincompoop you are how repetitively tiring yet moronic you sound and continue to prove yourself to be.

truly one of a kind subhuman monkey
a slanty kafir dog if there ever were one
bastard yanks would be disgusted by your ilk, so low are you

LOL!.... Fucking dumb retards like you think your maker love you to make you so stupid? LOL!... So are you saying your Allah make you a retard because it "love" you? When you kanna killed in accident, so your Allah want to see you soon? And if you escape an accident alive, your Allah saved you? What bullshit is that? Such stupidity only found in retards like you! LOL!....


LOL!.... Fucking dumb retards like you think your maker love you to make you so stupid? LOL!... So are you saying your Allah make you a retard because it "love" you? When you kanna killed in accident, so your Allah want to see you soon? And if you escape an accident alive, your Allah saved you? What bullshit is that? Such stupidity only found in retards like you! LOL!....

you freaking retarded son of a slanty
you mean your mother made you this dumb and ugly?
Allah (SWT) made this universe and of coz human beings are sent for a limited time
no human being will live forever
what's there not to understand?

you freaking retarded monkey
since when a subhuman copy cat son of a whore like you get to call me a moron?
you forgot you subhumans are only good at copy cat copy paste business?
any novel invention? any original idea? any theorem? any proof? any novel paradigm? nothing zilch nada. zero.
sifr. nil. that's all you lousy copy cats got.

discussing with you low IQ monkeys seems to be like hitting your head against the wall
futile exercise
a bunch of subhuman monkesy
i dun care if u r some retarded bot
nobody except single digit IQ morons should be this dumb to program such a low IQ bot like you

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
you freaking retarded son of a slanty
you mean your mother made you this dumb and ugly?
Allah (SWT) made this universe and of coz human beings are sent for a limited time
no human being will live forever
what's there not to understand?

you freaking retarded monkey
since when a subhuman copy cat son of a whore like you get to call me a moron?
you forgot you subhumans are only good at copy cat copy paste business?
any novel invention? any original idea? any theorem? any proof? any novel paradigm? nothing zilch nada. zero.
sifr. nil. that's all you lousy copy cats got.

discussing with you low IQ monkeys seems to be like hitting your head against the wall
futile exercise
a bunch of subhuman monkesy
i dun care if u r some retarded bot
nobody except single digit IQ morons should be this dumb to program such a low IQ bot like you

LOL!.... Now you say your allah made you this stupid and ugly? LOL!.... IT was your parents who made you this ugly and your believe in your Allah that made you this retarded. LOL!....


LOL!.... Now you say your allah made you this stupid and ugly? LOL!.... IT was your parents who made you this ugly and your believe in your Allah that made you this retarded. LOL!....

low IQ subhuman
you are the stupid one since you are a chink and a slanty
you are the stupid one since you are a chink and a slanty

thought that would be obvious
Good that you no longer deny you are ugly and an idiot, your incoherent responses are proof enough of that.

A subhuman rat.
Worth less than excrement of stray dogs