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Mohammed Ali became food deliverer and got brain trauma.. please help

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
low IQ subhuman
you are the stupid one since you are a chink and a slanty
you are the stupid one since you are a chink and a slanty

thought that would be obvious
Good that you no longer deny you are ugly and an idiot, your incoherent responses are proof enough of that.

A subhuman rat.
Worth less than excrement of stray dogs

LOL!... So now not only you blame your parents for making you ugly but your Allah making you stupid and low IQ? LOL!.... No wonder idiots like you are so retarded! LOL!....


LOL!... So now not only you blame your parents for making you ugly but your Allah making you stupid and low IQ? LOL!.... No wonder idiots like you are so retarded! LOL!....

is that what you slitty eyed subhuman chink can figure out after all these repeated meanigless back and forth exchanges?

low IQ moron chink.
did your mother make you so dumb?
did your mother make you a genetically retarded subhuman slanty?
did your mother decide to make your c0ck so tiny that your chink harlots would be running after ang moh kia men?

is it your mother that decided exactly how tall or short, fat or slim, strong or weak, ugly as f*ck you would be?
is it your mother who decided what genetic diseases like stupidity will afflict you?
is it your mother who decided when you will uplorry?

yeah guessed it right
now that your bull shit has been exposed and debunked
you are just bullshitting with meaningless drivel
no coherent argument
no logical arguments
nothing worth refuting or debating

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
is that what you slitty eyed subhuman chink can figure out after all these repeated meanigless back and forth exchanges?

low IQ moron chink.
did your mother make you so dumb?
did your mother make you a genetically retarded subhuman slanty?
did your mother decide to make your c0ck so tiny that your chink harlots would be running after ang moh kia men?

is it your mother that decided exactly how tall or short, fat or slim, strong or weak, ugly as f*ck you would be?
is it your mother who decided what genetic diseases like stupidity will afflict you?
is it your mother who decided when you will uplorry?

yeah guessed it right
now that your bull shit has been exposed and debunked
you are just bullshitting with meaningless drivel
no coherent argument
no logical arguments
nothing worth refuting or debating

LOL!... See how your idiotic believe in allah made you a fucking racist and ingrate? LOL!...


LOL!... See how your idiotic believe in allah made you a fucking racist and ingrate? LOL!...

subhuman scum can't answer coz you lost

now posting meaningless drivel one liners with no logical facts, no logical sequence of arguments
coz anybody reading this knows you lost

you can't argue that your fucktard of a mother made you so that you'd die exactly x years after your birth, where x years is the # of years you get to live and pollute this planet or solar system

you can't also argue that your mother or father made you ugly and dumb and filled with genetic diseases that you have no cure of or even knowledge of
since your father and mother would have only "made" (by your twisted perverted defn) you, or your siblings
whether the rest of humanity dies or what diseases they have is simply none of your parents' concerns

you simply have no explanations, nor does anybody, how that could happen

a moron
a nitwit
a subhuman slanty
slitty eyed
single digit IQ
trying to act smart and know it all "smart alec"
turned out to be a nincompoop

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
subhuman scum can't answer coz you lost

now posting meaningless drivel one liners with no logical facts, no logical sequence of arguments
coz anybody reading this knows you lost

you can't argue that your fucktard of a mother made you so that you'd die exactly x years after your birth, where x years is the # of years you get to live and pollute this planet or solar system

you can't also argue that your mother or father made you ugly and dumb and filled with genetic diseases that you have no cure of or even knowledge of
since your father and mother would have only "made" (by your twisted perverted defn) you, or your siblings
whether the rest of humanity dies or what diseases they have is simply none of your parents' concerns

you simply have no explanations, nor does anybody, how that could happen

a moron
a nitwit
a subhuman slanty
slitty eyed
single digit IQ
trying to act smart and know it all "smart alec"
turned out to be a nincompoop

LOL!... Delusional ingrate retards like you first think you are a clone from the lab and then say you are not made by your parents. Now you say you are subhuman? LOL!... No wonder retards like you believe in fairy tales like imaginary beings that don't exist. You know who made god and allah? It's human like me. Only idiots like you believe in the other way round.


LOL!... Delusional ingrate retards like you first think you are a clone from the lab and then say you are not made by your parents. Now you say you are subhuman? LOL!... No wonder retards like you believe in fairy tales like imaginary beings that don't exist. You know who made god and allah? It's human like me. Only idiots like you believe in the other way round.


Is that what you subhuman can construe from all the posts?


genetic freaks
freaks of nature
down's syndrome


Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)

Is that what you subhuman can construe from all the posts?


genetic freaks
freaks of nature
down's syndrome


LOL!... No wonder you are such a retard that you want to blame your maker to an imaginary being instead of your parents for making you such a retard! LOL!.... Now I get why you want God or Allah to be your maker. Cos you don't want to blame your parents for giving birth to retards like you! LOL!...