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Mohammed Ali became food deliverer and got brain trauma.. please help


With so many talk on medisave medi shield life etc etc etc. Then the CHAS card etc .
Why the bill can be so high???
KNN as far as my uncle knows as a former medical trained personnel not all surgeries and drugs are subsidized KNN in hospital bills they will classify it as standard drug and non standard KNN for the non standard even a class C subsidized pg can easily get a 6 figure bill size if their surgery is of newer technology KNN in this particular case my uncle suspect the surgery to fix his Blain was not a standard surgical procedure KNN


KNN as far as my uncle knows as a former medical trained personnel not all surgeries and drugs are subsidized KNN in hospital bills they will classify it as standard drug and non standard KNN for the non standard even a class C subsidized pg can easily get a 6 figure bill size if their surgery is of newer technology KNN in this particular case my uncle suspect the surgery to fix his Blain was not a standard surgical procedure KNN

thats why my mother always said - die is bettererest than stay hospital , no money pay and lots of stress and burdens.

insurance cuntpany are not GCBs but KCBs.
not easy to claim.


IF the delivery guy has paid his Medishield Life Premium Payment,he will be covered under the Medishield Life.
Medishield Life is a basic health insurance plan that provides lifetime protection against large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments such as
dialysis and chemotheraphy for cancer.All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are covered under Medishield Life.
you sound like a loud speaker for the govt policy. why do you lower yourself like that as a human being?


Why don't his allah just take him to heaven and avoid all these problems since he sooner or later must go meet his allah?

same question can be asked about you.
or any other kafir too.

since all kafir will die at one time or the other, what's the big deal with sending them to their maker sooner rather than later?

that's the gist of your argument

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
same question can be asked about you.
or any other kafir too.

since all kafir will die at one time or the other, what's the big deal with sending them to their maker sooner rather than later?

that's the gist of your argument

My maker? My maker is my parents. Only idiots will think otherwise.


The COE quota should be reduced by 85%. The car trips will then be replaced by cycling and PMD commutes to the benefit of everyone.

Fantastic !!! Lets make COE for Private Vehicle Owner $1 Million per Car per Year.
All PHV trips should be serve by Autonomous Driver-less Vehicle
All food/parcel delivery by local Singaporean via Bicycle/PMD


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
since all kafir will die at one time or the other, what's the big deal with sending them to their maker sooner rather than later?

So what's the big deal of sending moslems to meet their maker in hell sooner than later? Why all the street protests? You don't want 72 virgins in paradise? Fucking moron! What sort of idiot believes in the "72 virgins in paradise" nonsense?


So what's the big deal of sending moslems to meet their maker in hell sooner than later? Why all the street protests? You don't want 72 virgins in paradise? Fucking moron! What sort of idiot believes in the "72 virgins in paradise" nonsense?

What's the big deal sending chink pigs to the incinerators? Spreading chink virus sars wuhan flu pig flu avian flu monkey brain flu

fucking retard
what sort of idiot believes any innocent new born child is a criminal a sinner? utterly imbecilic pedophiles and their subjects like you.