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Mohammed Ali became food deliverer and got brain trauma.. please help


It was entirely of his own doing. He was speeding, he beat a red light and he wasn't looking where he was going.

Why the should the rest of us have to pay for his atrocious riding??

Anyway, the rider has no case against the car he had crashed into because the latter was already involved in a frontal crash itself and was already in stationary mode.


People who order food on Grabfood, Foodpanda or Deliveroo etc should donate. They perpetuate this modern form of slavery, they have blood on their hands. :cool:

Let the low SES folks risk life and limb on the roads to deliver fried rice, muffins or bubble tea to your doorstep. :rolleyes:
With so many talk on medisave medi shield life etc etc etc. Then the CHAS card etc .
Why the bill can be so high???


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
With so many talk on medisave medi shield life etc etc etc. Then the CHAS card etc etet Rebate?? Why the bill can be so high???

Khaw's medical bill was only $8.


Scrooball (clone)

People who order food on Grabfood, Foodpanda or Deliveroo etc should donate. They perpetuate this modern form of slavery, they have blood on their hands. :cool:

Let the low SES folks risk life and limb on the roads to deliver fried rice, muffins or bubble tea to your doorstep. :rolleyes:

Risk their life and limb to deliver food? Are u out of your fucking mind? Are u going to confer a Nobel Prize to all cab drivers too?


Accident leaves young GrabFood rider with brain injuries, S$100,000 hospital bill—family seeks help
Anna Maria Romero 18 hrs ago

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View attachment 109215
a group of people on a city street
© The Independent Singapore
Disclaimer: Microsoft News is currently reviewing the accuracy of this story with the publisher due to social media source. Updates will be published here if needed.
Singapore—Horrific traffic accidents are always heartbreaking, but all the more so when those involved are young and are just beginning their lives.
A young man named Mohammed Ali, who was working part-time as a GrabFood rider while waiting to do his national service, had a major accident on Apr 10 along Toh Guan Road, towards Bukit Batok.
a car parked on the side of a road
© The Independent Singapore
Having sustained severe injuries and requiring extensive brain surgery to save his life, he spent a week in a coma, and a total of 10 days in the intensive care unit.
Ali is now in recovery, thankfully, with a long road still ahead.
However, his family, consisting of his father and an older brother, is saddled with a bill of at least S$100,000, with more expenses to come.
a group of people in a room
© The Independent Singapore
His brother, Elfy Andriann, took to Facebook on Monday (Apr 26) to appeal to the public for help to pay the hospital bill.

Mr Elfy wrote that he was asking for help especially because their father, Mr Hadi, had suffered a stroke and lost his job.
“Due to his chronic illness, work has been strenuous for him. The stroke effect has taken its toll causing him to deteriorate mentally and physically and unfortunately (he) ended up being terminated from work due to being unfit. It’s been a difficult time for him during this pandemic, it’s also harder for him to get a job, especially with his current condition and age,” wrote Mr Elfy.
His younger brother had just graduated from ITE. While waiting for NS, he started working as a food delivery rider to earn some money and help his family.
The accident left him with multiple injuries.
Mr Elfy wrote, “Due to the tremendous impact to the head during the accident, it has caused bleeding in the brain and also caused his brain to be shifted to one side.”
His right hand was also severely injured and numerous bones were broken.

Ali required a craniectomy, “a surgery to remove part of the skull, to release pressure and evacuate the blood clots in the brain to save his life”. This surgery saved the young man’s life.

Thankfully, the surgery was successful, and Ali woke up on the eighth day after the accident.
However, Ali will require another surgery that will replace his skull with an artificial one. That will cost at least S$15,000. His hospital bill has already amounted to S$100,000.
“Doctors have already mentioned that Ali is showing signs of depression due to his immobility and appearance,” wrote Mr Elfy.
He appealed to the public to help pay his brother’s medical bills. Those willing to help may do so via POSB SAVINGS 056-18180-6, or Paynow to their father, Mr Hadi @93651525.
“Any amount of contribution from you, no matter how small, is hugely appreciated by the family.
“May God bless you for your good deeds during this month of Ramadhan, Amin,” Mr Elfy wrote./TISG
This is a good example of penny-wise pound foolish. Go out to work n earn double digits but cost 6 digits. A very good trade off. N the only beneficiary is the medical corporations. N considering how badly injured he is. Why not just DNR him? He will b a vegetable from now on n will be a burden on himself, his family n society as a whole. It's in his best interest if he just moved on . Now he n his whole family suffer.


With so many talk on medisave medi shield life etc etc etc. Then the CHAS card etc etet Rebate?? Why the bill can be so high???
I was talking to my GP the other day.I said why Red Dot medical expenses charged so high ? The GP said our healthcare system is better than the NHS in UK.Then I said : In Red Dot,U can die but better don't get sick. The GP just smiled and kept quiet.If u are cash rich ,no problem.But if u have insufficient cash on hand and u are hospitalized .Good luck to u ! God bless U !


I was talking to my GP the other day.I said why Red Dot medical expenses charged so high ? The GP said our healthcare system is better than the NHS in UK.Then I said : In Red Dot,U can die but better don't get sick. The GP just smiled and kept quiet.If u are cash rich ,no problem.But if u have insufficient cash on hand and u are hospitalized .Good luck to u ! God bless U !
That is why the power that be don't want soylent green. If not these parasites won't be able to get rich


I was talking to my GP the other day.I said why Red Dot medical expenses charged so high ? The GP said our healthcare system is better than the NHS in UK.Then I said : In Red Dot,U can die but better don't get sick. The GP just smiled and kept quiet.If u are cash rich ,no problem.But if u have insufficient cash on hand and u are hospitalized .Good luck to u ! God bless U !

People always want to compare Singapore with other countries with respect to matters when they forget that Singapore is only a city state with a population size liken to one of the cities in those countries. How hard is it to manage and run Singapore ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
It was entirely of his own doing. He was speeding, he beat a red light and he wasn't looking where he was going.

Why the should the rest of us have to pay for his atrocious riding??

He was clear cut in the wrong banging the car from behind. No case against the driver. His insurance company probably heaving sigh of relief.


People always want to compare Singapore with other countries with respect to matters when they forget that Singapore is only a city state with a population size liken to one of the cities in those countries. How hard is it to manage and run Singapore ?
The fact that PAP appoint FIVE mayors to manage and run this small island implies that Singapore is very very very hard to govern. Without the Five mayors,Singapore cannot function ???


The fact that PAP appoint FIVE mayors to manage and run this small island implies that Singapore is very very very hard to govern. Without the Five mayors,Singapore cannot function ???

Politics in Singapore is now a billion dollar industry....


I was talking to my GP the other day.I said why Red Dot medical expenses charged so high ? The GP said our healthcare system is better than the NHS in UK.Then I said : In Red Dot,U can die but better don't get sick. The GP just smiled and kept quiet.If u are cash rich ,no problem.But if u have insufficient cash on hand and u are hospitalized .Good luck to u ! God bless U !
It seems on one hand information from government was medisave medishield and CHAS can absorpt most of the medical costs.
We are suppose to be all right . Correct?
Why I still get news report on individual cannot afford the bills??

Everyone of us majority pay cpf medisave medishield.
So why this medical bill too high still happening???


Everyone of us majority pay cpf medisave medishield.
So why this medical bill too high still happening???
Go to car parks of the hospitals where hospital staffs parked their cars, you'll see all the flashy cars there. I'm sure the surgeons n doctors lived in big landed properties. That's why the medical bills are sky high in Sinkapor...


He was clear cut in the wrong banging the car from behind. No case against the driver. His insurance company probably heaving sigh of relief.


Why from centre lane, he beat red light and swung to outer lane?
Strange., very strange.


Go to car parks of the hospitals where hospital staffs parked their cars, you'll see all the flashy cars there. I'm sure the surgeons n doctors lived in big landed properties. That's why the medical bills are sky high in Sinkapor...
Lawyers and doctors professional are high income jobs.
Same in many others countries
What cars they drive does not matters to us.
What I worry is government policies does not absorb the costs much.
They keep telling people the sucess story of medishield .


People who order food on Grabfood, Foodpanda or Deliveroo etc should donate. They perpetuate this modern form of slavery, they have blood on their hands. :cool:

Let the low SES folks risk life and limb on the roads to deliver fried rice, muffins or bubble tea to your doorstep. :rolleyes:
Son, my friend earns 3k a month. Higher than a loser grad now. Its the useless idiots thT make 1.5k or less.