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Mohammed Ali became food deliverer and got brain trauma.. please help


I was talking to my GP the other day.I said why Red Dot medical expenses charged so high ? The GP said our healthcare system is better than the NHS in UK.Then I said : In Red Dot,U can die but better don't get sick. The GP just smiled and kept quiet.If u are cash rich ,no problem.But if u have insufficient cash on hand and u are hospitalized .Good luck to u ! God bless U !
Then this guy is a fool. Why malaysia medicine can just buy? Why no needtopay any consuktation???


Alfrescian (Inf)
That sounds very racist to me because I can read between the lines and spot the implication.

He wont know hws the pain like interms of physical n mental until he or his close one suffer same fate as Ali. Allah forbid.....
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syed putra

Aren't these delivery ppl covered by insurance from the delivery app company? Tat is why get these bicycles etc licence n insured so such victims are covered...but the cyclists n pmd crowd will kpkb say they have right of way etc...now the one that suffer most is the rider
Nope. Despite grab being vslued at usd36 bil or so, none of that benefit reaches the guys who actuslly made the company what it is.


With so many talk on medisave medi shield life etc etc etc. Then the CHAS card etc .
Why the bill can be so high???
IF the delivery guy has paid his Medishield Life Premium Payment,he will be covered under the Medishield Life.
Medishield Life is a basic health insurance plan that provides lifetime protection against large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments such as
dialysis and chemotheraphy for cancer.All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are covered under Medishield Life.

syed putra

IF the delivery guy has paid his Medishield Life Premium Payment,he will be covered under the Medishield Life.
Medishield Life is a basic health insurance plan that provides lifetime protection against large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments such as
dialysis and chemotheraphy for cancer.All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are covered under Medishield Life.
Grab should be paying insurance all their deliveroos when they are delivering and going to or voming home from work. Its basic benefit for most risky jobs.


IF the delivery guy has paid his Medishield Life Premium Payment,he will be covered under the Medishield Life.
Medishield Life is a basic health insurance plan that provides lifetime protection against large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments such as
dialysis and chemotheraphy for cancer.All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are covered under Medishield Life.
Might as well buy the integrated shield. Then he will not be sadded by such huge bill.
Problem is that this lad has just started working.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Why from centre lane, he beat red light and swung to outer lane?
Strange., very strange.

Probably inexperienced and add to the recklessness factor which is common among newbie riders. I guess he was probably rushing to complete his delivery so that he was able to get a new order after that. Quite saddening for him to be in this state. You can chase all the money in this world but you should never jeopardize your own life. All motorists should know the basic rule of never ever beating the red light. For this boy's case, he didn't practice any defensive riding. No big payout from the insurance company to his family. Owner of the car probably also traumatised by the accident even if he was not in the wrong.


Probably inexperienced and add to the recklessness factor which is common among newbie riders. I guess he was probably rushing to complete his delivery so that he was able to get a new order after that. Quite saddening for him to be in this state. You can chase all the money in this world but you should never jeopardize your own life. All motorists should know the basic rule of never ever beating the red light. For this boy's case, he didn't practice any defensive riding. No big payout from the insurance company to his family. Owner of the car probably also traumatised by the accident even if he was not in the wrong.
Tat is wht I say earn a 2 figure pay but cost is 6 figures.... good trade off


IF the delivery guy has paid his Medishield Life Premium Payment,he will be covered under the Medishield Life.
Medishield Life is a basic health insurance plan that provides lifetime protection against large hospital bills and selected costly outpatient treatments such as
dialysis and chemotheraphy for cancer.All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents are covered under Medishield Life.
So why still need help on the medical bill??

Byebye Penis

On a serious note, two social issues here:

I don't expect final medical fees after discounts, CHAS, subsidies, Medisave, Medishields to exceed $100,000. What went wrong with our social security system?

He was working for Grabfood, yet no workman comp insurance. Did Grab existed by exploiting loopholes, eg we never thought it was possible to start a taxi company but Grab (myTeksi), Uber and likes made it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I want to pity this m&d but it's really hard as I always see them riding like stuntman zig-zagging along the pavement at breakneck speeds.


So why still need help on the medical bill??
Medishield Life is the payment of basic premiums - If hospitalized entitled to Class C Ward. Integrated Shield is the payment of higher premiums - If hospitalized entitled to Class A or B Ward. If the delivery guy is not covered by Medishield Life, his medical bills are not covered/paid by the insurance.


Medishield Life is the payment of basic premiums - If hospitalized entitled to Class C Ward. Integrated Shield is the payment of higher premiums - If hospitalized entitled to Class A or B Ward. If the delivery guy is not covered by Medishield Life, his medical bills are not covered/paid by the insurance.

His injury is confirmed covered by medishield life.

Where is the Malay MPs who is supposed to help ?


On a serious note, two social issues here:

I don't expect final medical fees after discounts, CHAS, subsidies, Medisave, Medishields to exceed $100,000. What went wrong with our social security system?

He was working for Grabfood, yet no workman comp insurance. Did Grab existed by exploiting loopholes, eg we never thought it was possible to start a taxi company but Grab (myTeksi), Uber and likes made it.
They should show the break down of the bill. Than the pubic can see n work backwards to find out how it's 100k


People who order food on Grabfood, Foodpanda or Deliveroo etc should donate. They perpetuate this modern form of slavery, they have blood on their hands. :cool:

Let the low SES folks risk life and limb on the roads to deliver fried rice, muffins or bubble tea to your doorstep. :rolleyes:
Dumbo, if we do not order food online n create jobs for them, they will prolly be robbers or beggars to put food on da family table. Use yr blainlah...



laksaboyboy and chief eunuch john tan fond of running down on ppl who suffer .
from underneath their mama skirt, act like computer warrior.
wait until they suffer same fate.
no need to rub salt to others' injury.